March Madness

The central figure of Biblical scripture, who's resurrection is celebrated on Easter.

Who is Jesus Christ?


The March Madness tournament features the competition between teams playing this sport.

What is basketball?


When baking bread this ingredient begins feeding on the sugars in flour, and releases the carbon dioxide that makes bread rise.

What is yeast?


A weight training exercise where a person presses a weight upwards while lying horizontally on a weight training bench.

What is a Bench Press?


The Bible verse that states, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

What is John 3:16?


This was the first person to see the risen Christ

Who is Mary Magdalene?


Millions of Americans make one of these, predicting the outcome of games in the March Madness Tournament.

What is a bracket?


This bread-like substance was provided to the Israelites by God during their travels in the wilderness after their miraculous deliverance from Egypt.

What is Manna?


A short bar with a weight at each end, used typically in pairs for exercise or muscle-building.

What is a dumbbell?


The 18th book of the Bible that highlights the sufferings of a man who's name is the title of the book.

What is the book of Job?


The day that Jesus was crucified is called this.

What is Good Friday?


Current head coach of Gonzaga University men's basketball and father of D1 college basketball player Joe Few.

Who is Mark Few?


This bread is the stereotypical bread of a Frenchmen.

What is a baguette?


The act of assisting a weightlifter with their lifting exercise by standing behind them, helping them with the struggle portion of the lift, and ensuring their safety during the execution.

What is spotting?


This chapter in the Bible begins with, "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want."

What is Psalm 23?


In the late 16th century, the Protestant reformer Martin Luther is said to have organized hunts for these within his congregation, where men would hide them for women and children to find.

What are Eggs?


The first ever 16-seed to win a game in the first round of March Madness, beating 1-seed University of Virginia.

What is the University of Maryland-Baltimore County (UMBC)?


The mixture of flour and water that hosts a stable blend of beneficial bacteria and wild yeasts.

What is a Starter?


A version of a single-leg squat where the back leg is elevated on a bench or a sturdy chair

What is a Bulgarian Split Squat?


The verses, "He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming soon.' Amen. Come, LORD Jesus! The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen." are found in this book of the Bible.

What is the book of Revelation?


The first thing Jesus said to his disciples after his resurrection.

What is "Peace be with you"?


Capital One commercial campaign started in 2023 starring Charles Barkley and his all-in-one road trip destination.

What is the Chuck Stop?


In John Chapter 6, Jesus refers to himself as this.

What is the "Bread of Life"?


A person who practices using the idea of how much they think they can lift to determine how much weight goes on the bar, rather than basing this decision on their actual physical abilities.

What is an ego lifter?


This verse reads, "To the woman he said, 

I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing;

in pain you shall bring forth children.

Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you."

What is Genesis 3:16?