Explain why coal, oil, and gas are considered nonrenewable resources?
They can't be regenerated in our lifetime.
This theory explains the origins of the universe
What is the Big Bang Theory
This is the process of how water moves above and below the surface of the Earth
What is the water cycle
This is known as the day to state of the atmosphere.
What is weather.
What type of interaction occurs when one organism benfits while the other is unaffected?
What is the difference between non-renewable and renewable resources?
Renewable- will regenerate
Non-Renewable- is limited.
What is the approximate time it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun?
365 days.
What is the process called when water changes from liquid to gas?
This is known as the average weather of a place, or temp/precipitation over a long period of time.
The name for the maximum population size an environment can support sustainably.
Carrying capacity.
This fossil fuel is made from dead compressed plants, buried for millions of years under sediment.
What is coal
What is photosynthesis
This process describes how precipitation enters the ground, to form groundwater.
What is infiltration.
According to Koppen Classification, what two criteria are used to determine climate?
Temperature and weather
This biome has high levels of biodiversity, it is located at about 0 degrees from the equator. It experiences heavy rain, high temperatures, as well as moist air year round.
What is the tropical rainforest
This is a consequence/negative impact of using fossil fuels
What is global warming, and pollution
This causes seasons, like summer and winter
Earth´s tilted axis.
These types of currents move vertically, and are controlled by factors like temperature,salinity and evaporation
What is a Density current
This event is known as, " the girl" in spanish, and means stronger trade winds cause wind to blow from east to west
This layer of the atmosphere has high levels of ozone.
The Stratosphere.
What is uranium
This law explains why planets orbit the sun in an elipse.
What is Kepler's First Law.
This is known as an underground natural storage for water reserves. It is also synonymous with groundwater.
What is an aquifer
This is the expected weather conditions for an El-Nino event on the eastern coast of South America
Heavy rains, warm waters, flooding, increased landslides.
These chemicals found in aersols, and refrigerators are responsible for creating holes in the ozone layer