Number of campuses that ASU has in Arizona
4 (Polytechnic, Tempe, Downtown, West)
The number of ASU campuses on which the Fulton Schools of Engineering has schools
3 (Polytechnic, Tempe, West)
The original name of the Polytechnic Campus
Williams Air Force Base
Number of core courses in the EESD curriculum
This faculty member's father was the instructor of one of their engineering courses during undergrad
Dr. Jennifer Bekki
Number of years ASU has been named #1 in innovation by the U.S. News and World report
The number of deans Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering have had
Where The Polytechnic School ranks by student enrollment among the eight Fulton Schools of Engineering
Minimum number of semester credit hours required to earn the EESD PhD degree
This faculty member recently rescued a dog
Dr. Nadia Kellam
Year that ASU was established
Ira A. Fulton (the person) is one of the nation's largest developers of this in the U.S.
Land / residential homes (Fulton Homes)
Several buildings on campus are named on behalf of these (2 answers)
Local moutain ranges (e.g., Peralta, Picacho, Santan, Santa Catalina), Vietnam war heros (e.g., Sutton, Warner)
The year that EESD accepted its first cohort of students
This faculty member's favorite holiday is Halloween
Dr. Dina Verdin
This was ASU's original name when it was first created
Territorial Normal School (or Tempe Normal School)
Number of graduate programs offered across the Fulton Schools of Engineering
The number of students enrolled in The Polytechnic School
Number of graduates who earned their PhDs from the EESD program
This EESD faculty member worked at NASA and the U.S. Department of State
Dr. Kurt Paterson
The major company for which the designer of the original Sparky worked
Number of fully online, ABET accredited undergraduate engineering degree programs that the Fulton Schools of Engineering has
4 (electrical engineering, engineering management, mechanical engineering, software engineering)
These two fruits are prevalent on ASU Polytechnic Campus, with one harvested in the winter/spring and the other harvested in the fall
Sour oranges (winter/spring) and dates (fall)
These two EESD PhD students defended their dissertations this semester
Carlos Perez and Cecilia La Place
This faculty member's research interests were influenced by a course they took as an undergraduate about the history of country music
Dr. Malle Schilling