Advanced Vocabulary
Idioms & Phrases
Grammar Challenge
Word Usage/Word Mastery
English Language Trivia

What does the word "cynical" mean? Use the context clues from the sentence to help you define it.

After years of watching politicians make empty promises, he became cynical and doubted that any of them truly cared about the people.

A) Optimistic
B) Trusting
C) Skeptical
D) Enthusiastic

C) Skeptical

Cynical means being skeptical or distrustful, especially about people’s motives or sincerity. 

The sentence shows that the person doubts politicians' true intentions, which reflects a cynical attitude.


What does the phrase “The world is your oyster” mean?

It means that you have many opportunities and the ability to do anything you want. The world is full of possibilities for you to explore.


Choose the correct sentence:

A) He don’t like coffee.

B) He doesn’t like coffee.

C) He not like coffee.

D) He does not likes coffee.

b. He doesn’t like coffee.


Which of the following words is most closely associated with the concept of "meticulous"?

A) Careless
B) Precise
C) Hasty
D) Sloppy


B) Precise


Which word in English has the most number of different meanings?

A) Set
B) Run
C) Go
D) Take

A. Set

The word "set" has over 400 different meanings in various contexts, from a group of things (like a "set of tools") to actions (like to "set the table") and even mathematical terms. It's one of the most versatile words in the English language.


What is the synonym of "meticulous"? Use the context from the sentence to help you choose the correct answer.

She was so meticulous about her work that she double-checked every detail before submitting the report.

A) Careless
B) Sloppy
C) Thorough
D) Hasty


C) Thorough


What is the meaning of the expression "to wear one's heart on one's sleeve"?

It means to openly express one's emotions or feelings, especially love or affection.


Correct the following sentence: 

I didn’t saw him at the event yesterday.


I didn’t see him at the event yesterday.


Which of the following words has a negative connotation?

A) Brilliant
B) Clever
C) Cunning
D) Smart

C) Cunning


What is the only word in the English language that ends in "mt"?



Based on the sentence below, what does the word "cogent" mean? Use context clues to define it.

Sample Sentence:
The lawyer’s argument was so cogent that the jury immediately understood the case and returned a verdict in favor of the defendant.

The word "cogent" means clear, convincing, and logically forceful. The context suggests that the argument was easy for the jury to understand and persuasive.


Complete the idiom: 

All that glitters is not _______.


Things that appear valuable or attractive on the outside may not be as they seem.

All that glitters is not gold.


Choose the correct reported speech version of the following sentence:

Direct speech: "I am going to the store," she said.

B) She said that she was going to the store.

In reported speech, the present tense ("am going") changes to the past tense ("was going").


Which of the following words is closest in meaning to "dormant"?

A) Active
B) Sleepy
C) Inactive
D) Energized

C) Inactive


Which of these is not a commonly used term for a group of animals?

A) Murder of crows
B) School of fish
C) Gaggle of geese
D) Cluster of lions

D) Cluster of lions

A group of lions is called a "pride," not a "cluster."


What does the word "ephemeral" mean? Use context clues from the sentence to help you define it.

"The beauty of the sunset was ephemeral, lasting only a few minutes before it vanished."

The word "ephemeral" means lasting for a very short time. In the sentence, it describes the sunset's beauty as something that quickly disappears, indicating its brief duration.


Fill in the blank: 

He who laughs last, laughs _______.

Meaning: The final victor or person who triumphs is the one who truly succeeds, even if others seem to have the advantage earlier.

Answer: best


Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb and identify the type of conditional in this sentence: 

If I ______ (know) about the party, I would have gone.

If I had known about the party, I would have gone.

This is a third conditional sentence. It is used to talk about a hypothetical situation in the past—something that didn't happen but could have happened under different circumstances. 

If + past perfect, would have + past participle.


Which of the following words is the opposite of "pragmatic"?

A) Practical
B) Theoretical
C) Logical
D) Realistic

B) Theoretical


What is the only word in the English language that has three consecutive double letters?





What does the word "ubiquitous" mean? Use context clues from the sentence to help you define it.

Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society, seen in almost every hand and used by people of all ages.

The word "ubiquitous" means present, appearing, or found everywhere. The sentence suggests that smartphones are everywhere, used by many people in various places.


What does the idiom “to throw in the towel” mean?

To give up or admit defeat.

This expression is often used in sports, especially when someone decides they can no longer continue the game or competition.


List the 12 standard punctuation marks used in English grammar.

Period (.) – Ends a declarative sentence.

Comma (,) – Separates items, clauses, or phrases.

Question mark (?) – Ends a direct question.

Exclamation mark (!) – Shows strong emotion or emphasis.

Colon (:) – Introduces a list, explanation, or quote.

Semicolon (;) – Connects related independent clauses or separates complex list items.

Apostrophe (') – Indicates possession or forms contractions.

Quotation marks (" ") – Encloses direct speech, quotes, or titles.

Parentheses (()) – Adds extra information or clarification.

Dash (–) – Indicates a break in thought or adds emphasis.

Hyphen (-) – Joins words or parts of words.

Ellipsis (…) – Indicates an omission or pause.


Which word is the opposite of "altruistic"?

A) Selfish
B) Kind
C) Generous
D) Benevolent

A) Selfish


What does the word "Etymology" mean?

The study of word origins