Very rarely ["once in..."]
...a blue moon
Water Skiing
3-5 inches, and to power their search for nectar, their hearts beat about 1200 times each minute
In all the movies of the franchise, Indiana Jones is afraid of this animal
Take advantage of an opportunity while it is available ["Make hay..."]
...while the sun shines
A cane, for examplee
Walking Stick
6-7.5 feet, and the first part of its name refers not to its lack of hair but rather its color
Bald Eagle
She holds the record for most Grammy Awards for Album of the Year
Taylor Swift
Everything's been done before ["there is nothing..."] under the sun
In the 1920s Tulsa was home to the Black version of this financial center
Wall Street
8 feet, and he has the most blocks this NBA season with an average of 3.6 per game
It's the most viewed video on Youtube
Baby Shark
Extremely happy
Over the moon
Celestial event that usually occurs on Dec 21
Winter Solstice
185 feet, with its nickname the "Stratofortress," it can carry a payload of 70,000 pounds of weapons
The number of Mission Impossible movies made so far
To do something overly ambitious that can lead to one's downfall
Fly too close to the sun
The largest known species of fish
Whale Shark
30 inches, and impressively they've been recorded diving to depths of 525m
Emperor Penguins
The role that these three actors have in common: Robert Pattinson, Christian Bale, George Clooney