Picture this!

Rough surfaces have more ____________ than smoother surfaces. 

What is Friction ?


Is this cart experiencing kinetic or potential energy here?

What is Kinetic energy?


__________ is a natural resource off humans need to survive. 


A skateboard will go faster down a ramp with a steeper ______________. 



Complete the sentence. 

The box will move down the ramp slowly because...


What is ... there is more friction.

A rougher surface = more friction

A smoother surface = less friction. 


Give an example of a contact force and a non-contact force. 

What is...

Contact force - Friction, Pushing a cart, kicking a ball...etc.

Non-contact - Gravity, Magnetism


An object with more ________ will need a stronger magnetic force to pick it up. 

What is Mass?


Which height of slope will allow the truck to travel the fastest? (3m, 7m, or 10m) Explain. [2]

What is ...

14 M high, because it is steeper and will allow the truck to have more more kinetic energy. 


True or False. [2]

A boy got some polluted water and used his filter to clean out the dirtiness. Is it okay for him to drink the water after using the filter? Explain. 

What is ...

False, filters only work to an extent (do not clean it completely). 


When a hockey player hits a puck, the energy is conserved (saved) and   ________________ over to the puck. 

What is Transfered? 


Which color cart has the most potential energy? Explain [2]

What is Green...

It is the highest and has the most stored up energy. 

What are two ways to conserve water?

What is ... take shorter showers, turn off faucet while brushing your teeth, do not run the water when not using it, etc. 


A cart on a roller coaster has the most ____________ energy at the top of the ride. When the cart drops down the track it changes into _____________ energy.

What is Potential energy and kinetic energy



There are two two cars. The red car weighs 500 pounds and the green one weighs 800 pounds. 

A magnetic crane comes up to pick up both cars at a distance of 10 feet. 

Which car will need more magnetic force from the magnetic crane? Explain. [2]

What is ... The Green Car because it has more mass. The more mass an object has ,the more magnetic force is needed. 

By _________, __________, and ____________ can decrease the amount of waste produced by humans. 

What is reusing, reducing, and recycling.