The impact of the sun's rays when talking about supermoons
What is reflected?
The ways Apollo guidance computers were used
navagation, control of aircraft, guidance
This is the farthest point of orbit around the Earth
What is apogee?
This is the time of day when full moons arise
What is sunset?
The reason behind why the moon seems larger when near the horizon
What is atmospheric refraction?
The 3 main ways the Moon impacts life on Earth
What is Time, Tides, Light?
This is the closest point of orbit around the Earth
What is perigee?
The amount of light being casted onto Earth during a supermoon
What is 30% more?
The role of the atmosphere being present
What is it effects the size of the moon's disk? (atmospheric refraction wouldn't exist)
The various ways the moon has been interpreted
What is a god, a planet, a calender and a time keeper
Creation of a supermoon
What is a perigee + fullmoon
This is the amount of time it takes for the Moon to complete one orbit around the Earth
What is 27 days?
The reason behind why supermoon's are able to cast more light onto Earth's surface
What is more of the Sun's rays are being reflected off of the lunar surface, onto the Earth?
Predicible times when the sea levels will rise and fall
What is tides?
Size difference between the Supermoon and Micromoon
What is 15% larger than the micromoon?
Distance between the Moon and the Earth at the perigee
What is 350, 000 km?
The definition atmospheric refraction
What is electromagnetic waves pass through the atmosphere in a straight line?
The effect of the moon on aniamls
What is migration and navigation?
This is the typical number of supermoons that can occur consecutively in a row
What is three?
The trick our brains play on us into thinking the Moon is bigger near the horizon
What is the Ponzo illusion?