The effect of attending is an encouragement to the person to go on talking about his/her ideas or feelings freely. Without using words, you are communicating that you are listening to the person. Observing client verbal and nonverbal behaviors as one way of understanding what clients are experiencing, and displaying effective nonverbal behaviors to clients during genetic counseling sessions. In order to build a firm foundation in any supportive or caring client-counsellor/therapist relationship strong, clearly defined attending skills must be in evidence. These are skills that require being in attendance in the present, in any situation, and means that a counsellor is giving their full attention. Helping and other deep interpersonal transactions demand a certain intensity of presence. Attending, or the way you orient yourself physically and psychologically to clients, contributes to this presence. Effective attending tells clients that you are with them. effective communication strategies that can be used throughout the process of working together with professionals and families. Attending and listening actively convey respect and help you get to know people better.
What is the effect of attending have on clients and their medical professionals?