Anticipatory set
Objective and purpose
Check for understanding

What is the purpose of the anticipatory set in a lesson plan?

To engage students' attention and prepare them for the lesson content.


What should be included in a lesson’s objective?

A clear statement of what students will be able to do by the end of the lesson.


What is the input component of a lesson?

The part where the teacher provides the information needed for students to gain the knowledge or skill.


What is modeling in the context of teaching?

Demonstrating a skill or process for students to observe and learn from.


What is the purpose of checking for understanding during a lesson?

To ensure that students are grasping the material and to identify any areas of confusion.


Give an example of an effective anticipatory set for a lesson on Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet."

Show a short video, read a quick text from the story or elicit information from the students.


Why is it important to communicate the lesson objective to students?

It provides students with a clear understanding of what they are expected to learn and why it is important.


Why is it important to provide input in a variety of ways?

To address different learning styles and ensure that all students can understand the material.


Why is it important for a teacher to model expected behaviors and skills?

It provides a clear example for students to follow, helping them understand what is expected.


Name a quick method a teacher can use to check for understanding.

Use of thumbs up/thumbs down or asking quick, formative questions.


How can a teacher use a personal anecdote as an anticipatory set in an ELA class?

A teacher might share a story about their first experience reading Shakespeare, emphasizing the initial challenges and ultimate enjoyment.


How can objectives be stated in student-friendly language?

By using simple, clear, and direct language that students can easily understand.


Give an example of providing input for a lesson on poetic devices.

Use a combination of direct instruction, examples from poems, and multimedia presentations to explain metaphors, similes, and alliteration.


Describe how a teacher might model the process of writing a thesis statement.

The teacher could think aloud while writing a thesis statement on the board, explaining each step of the thought process.


How can exit tickets be used to check for understanding?

Students write down one thing they learned and one question they still have as they leave the class, providing insight into their comprehension.


Why is it important for the anticipatory set to be relevant to the lesson’s objectives?

It helps to focus students’ attention on the lesson’s goals and make connections to the content they will learn.


How does setting objectives align with standards-based instruction?

Objectives ensure that lessons are focused on specific skills and knowledge that align with state or national standards.


How can graphic organizers be used to enhance input?

They can help students visually organize information, making it easier to understand and remember.


How can modeling be used in a lesson on literary analysis?

The teacher can analyze a passage from a text in front of the class, highlighting and annotating key elements such as theme, symbolism, and character development.


How can technology be integrated into checking for understanding?

Use tools like online quizzes, interactive polls, or educational apps to quickly gauge student understanding and provide immediate feedback.