Movie Genres
Movies & language learning
Songs & language learning
More movie genres
Movies with lots of running, fighting, sports, battles, etc.
What are Action movies?
True or false: Feature films are too difficult for ESL students to understand, so they should not try to watch them for language practice.
What is False?
Songs are almost always used in language classes for practicing this skill.
What is listening?
A funny movie.
What is a comedy?
Love stories
What are Romance movies?
Using movies for language practice will improve this skill the most.
What is listening?
Two other ways songs can be used besides fill-in-the-blanks.
What are dictation, put the lines in order, discuss the song, write about the song, sing the song (pronunciation), etc.
A movie involving a quest, a journey, doing brave deeds, finding something, etc. (ex. Indiana Jones movies)
What is Adventure?
A movie where you try to figure out what happened. Usually there was a crime or some other problem.
What is a mystery?
What are three other language skills that you can improve with movies?
What are speaking, reading, & writing?
Name two other skills could be practiced with songs, and how?
What are speaking (discussion of song) and writing (write about what you hear or what you think)? (or pronunciation - sing along)
A movie involving singing (and often dancing) (ex. The Sound of Music)
What is a musical?
A movie that is very intense, and everyone wonders what will happen. Usually someone must escape or do something dangerous, etc.
What is a suspense movie (or thriller)?
This kind of subtitles will help you to understand a movie better, but it will also allow you to practice English while you watch.
What are English subtitles?
In our class, we will use story songs and discuss their meaning. For example, in the first verse of this song (Cold Kentucky Rain, by Elvis), the singer has a problem. What is it? Seven lonely days And a dozen towns ago, I reached out one night And you were gone. Don't know why you'd run, What you're running to or from. All I know is I want to bring you home.
What is his girl (wife or girlfriend) left him?
A movie that isn't a story, but it is a report of facts and information about a subject (non-fiction).
What is a documentary?
A movie that combines humor and love.
What is a romantic comedy?
Why would learning about an English-language movie (genre, characters, setting, basic plot) help you to understand the movie better?
Because you would know what to expect and be prepared to apply your previous knowledge.
A useful skill that we will practice is inferring. From the first verse of this song (Sara Beth, by Rascal Flatts), we can infer what Sara Beth's problem is, and where she is.
What are she is sick, and she is at the doctor's office?
A movie about cowboys
What is a Western?