What is the primary nutrient found in eggs?
How would you cook an egg sunny-side up?
It is fried on one side and never flipped. The yolk is completely runny.
What are the most common types of eggs consumed?
What is the safest way to store eggs?
In the refrigerator, ideally in their original carton.
What is an omelet?
A dish made from beaten eggs cooked in a skillet, often filled with various ingredients.
What vitamin is particularly abundant in egg yolks?
Vitamin D
How long should you boil an egg for a soft yolk?
About 6-7 minutes
What is the difference between organic and conventional eggs?
Organic eggs come from hens fed organic feed and raised without antibiotics or hormones; conventional eggs may not.
How can you tell if an egg is fresh?
By performing the float test; fresh eggs sink, while older eggs float.
How can eggs be used as a binding agent in recipes?
Eggs help hold ingredients together in dishes like meatloaf or cookies.
How many grams of protein are in a large egg?
6 grams
How do you cook a fried egg?
It is cracked into the pan and oil is spooned onto the whites to cook. It is not flipped.
Why are egg shells different colors?
Because of the breed of the chicken.
What temperature should eggs be cooked to in order to be safe to eat?
At least 160°F
What is the significance of eggs in baking?
Eggs provide structure, moisture, and leavening in baked goods.
Eggs contain a lot of ________________, which some people say is bad for you but we learned that it is not bad for you.
How do you baste an egg?
It is cracked into a pan and water is added to the pan and then the pan is covered with a lid! Steam will finish cooking the egg.
Why are egg yolks different colors?
What are the risks of consuming raw eggs?
Risk of Salmonella infection.
Describe how eggs can be used in emulsions.
Egg yolks contain lecithin, which helps to stabilize mixtures like mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce.
Describe the difference between free-range and caged eggs.
Free-range eggs come from hens that are allowed outdoor access, while caged eggs come from hens kept in confined spaces.
Explain the difference between over easy, over medium and, over hard.
Over-easy: heat oil in a pan. Crack in the eggs. after about 30-45 seconds (or when whites have set) Flip the egg over for about 20 seconds. Yolk should still be runny.
Over-medium: same process, but yolk should be between runny and cooked
Over-hard: Yolk should be totally cooked.
How many quail eggs fit in an average ostrich egg?
140 quail eggs!
Explain the concept of the 'Sell By' date.
A guideline indicating when the eggs should be sold by for optimal freshness, not an expiration date.
What are some common dishes that feature eggs prominently?
Quiche, frittata, and eggs Benedict.