This is the title for an Egyptian King
The Egyptian writing system
Egyptian preserved bodies were known as
What job did 80% of the population consist of?
A long-lasting, paper like material made from reeds
What is the major river that supported the early Egyptians?
The Nile
Members of the middle class who worked for the government and copied religious and literary texts
This word means a series of rulers from the same family.
This social class consisted of priests and officials from rich and powerful families
Did Egyptians practice Monotheism or Polytheism?
The Nile flows in what direction?
South to North
What natural barriers protected Egypt from foreign invasion?
Deserts, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Red Sea
What are the names of the two kingdoms of ancient Egypt?
Upper and Lower Egypt
Why did Pharaohs fill their tombs with treasures?
Their belief in the Afterlife
Poorer Egyptians' mummies lasted longer than some richer Mummies because they were buried simply in sand. True or False?
These rapids make it difficult to traverse the Nile
A huge stone slab inscribed with hieroglyphics and Greek that allowed researchers to decipher Egyptian writings
Rosetta Stone
This ceremony determined if you could make it to the afterlife.
The Weighing of the Heart
The Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom
A skilled craftsperson who makes things such as pottery, jewelry, or sculpture using their expertise.
This Pharaoh's tomb was discovered filled with treasures that have taught us much about Egyptian burial practices and beliefs
King Tutankhamen (Tut)
Cheat codes to get into the afterlife; often written on papyrus.
The Book of the Dead or the Scroll of the Dead
Who was the first Pharaoh to unite Upper and Lower Egypt?
These Egyptians did not pay taxes, they were an elite group that could read and write.
The Egyptian God of the Underworld