Who is the Goddess of fertility and peace?
Who is Isis.
Only rich Egyptians were able to afford the process of _________.
What is mummification?
Who were the only members of Egyptian society that could read or white?
Who was the first female pharaoh?
Who is Hatshepsut?
The name for a stone coffin.
Son of Osiris and Isis.
Who is Horus?
Pyramids were designed to face this direction.
What is north?
What is the name of the Egyptian alphabet and writing?
What is Hieroglyphics?
A series of rulers from the same family or ethnic group.
What is a dynasty?
What is the name of the chemical to prevent the body from decaying during the mummification process?
What is natron?
The god of the sun.
Who is Ra?
_____________, one of the most famous Egyptian female Pharaohs who is often considered NOT a figure of Ancient Egyptian history.
What was a large black stone that had multiple languages depicted on it that was found in 1799?
What is the Rosetta Stone?
The Pharaoh who is most famous for the discovery of his tomb in 1922.
Who is King Tut?
Why was only the heart left inside of the body during mummification?
What is the process of worshipping more than one god or goddess called?
What is polytheism.
A piece of architecture that has the body of a lion and the head of a human.
What is the sphinx?
What were considered to be "houses of eternity" in Egypt?
What are pyramids.
The name for the Pharaoh who expanded Egypt to the largest it Empire geographically.
Who is Thutmose III?
The Ancient Egyptians believed a person's _____ left the body during mummification and would return?
To get to the afterlife, Anubis would do this before allowing you to move on to the afterlife.
What is weigh your heart on the scales?
The burial site for many powerful pharaohs in the 18th dynasty.
What is the Valley of the Kings?
How many years did it take to build the Great Pyramid of Giza?
What is 23 years.
A Pharaoh known for trying to move Egypt's religious belief system to worship only one god, Aten.
Who is Akhenaten?
Container where intestines were placed for the mummification process.
What is a canopic jar?