he was the main god?
Who was Re?
She committed suicide after losing control of the empire of Egypt
who is Cleopatra
2050 - 1652 BC
what is the Middle Kingdom
worshipping many gods
what is polytheism
Cradle of Civilization
what is the Nile River
Who was Osiris?
Who was the god of life, death, and resurrection?
he united the lower and upper kingdoms
who is Menes
who are the Hyksos
What was the Great Pyramid?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!Where are the tombs of kings and queens in Egypt?
silt deposit full of rich nutrients
She was the goddess of magic
who is Isis
He had a 100 children
who is Ramses II
the pyramids and sphinx were built during this time period
what is the Old Kingdom
patron of the dead
Who is Anubis
the white and the ______________ Nile
What blue Nile
who is the son of Isis and Osiris?
he was the worst ruler
who was Akhenaten
at the "decline" of the Egyptian Empire, they were defeated by this emerging empire
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!who are the Romans
it was the center of emotions
What is the heart
Red Land
What is the desert
A name for the soul
what is the soul
first woman Pharaoh
Who is Hatshepsut
The worst time in Egyptian history
What is the New Kingdom
it was thrown away because it served NO purpose
What is the brain
the Nile River emptied into this sea
What is the Mediterranean