Explaining the Role and Impact of Social Media in the Arab Spring
Violence in the Arab Revolutions: The Paradigmatic Case of Egypt
Islam, Democracy, and Islamism After the Counterrevolution in Egypt
Blesses and Curses: Virtual Dissidence as a Contentious Performance in the Arab Spring's Repertoire of Contention
Final Jeopardy

What is a social-non-movement and how does it differ from a social movement?

"Collective actions of non-collective actors: they embody shared large numbers of ordinary people whose fragmented but similar activities trigger social change" (Bayat, 2009).


In what year was the Muslim Brotherhood founded and by whom?

1928, Hassan el Banna 


For how many years was Morsi in power?



What sets apart social media and “virtual dissidence”?

Virtual dissidence is using social media to dissent.


What were the demographic shifts in political actors from the 2011 revolution to the Morsi regime and why did those demographic shifts happen?

There was a shift from secular actors, both men and women, both Christian and Muslim, who were seeking a democracy to Islamist actors, mostly men, who were seeking an Islamic theocracy. Religious minorities and women were given second-class status under the Muslim Brotherhood's new constitution, which caused them to be less politically active under the Morsi regime. There was also violence committed against minority groups, which lead to less participation in the political sphere. For women, patriarchal values also played a role in pushing them out.


Youth make up what percentage of the overall Arab World's population



Between the period of February 10th 2011 to the election of Morsi in June 2012, which group held power in Egypt?

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces


What strategies did the Islamists use in order to win elections in Egypt?

They advocated for democracy and a constitution.


What is “virtual dissidence” and how does it pertain to the 2010- 2011 Egyptian Revolution?

It is the act of using the Internet to speak out against the government. Activists in this revolution used it as one way to act against the authoritative regime.


What are three ways that youth have used blogs to initiate social change? 

-Bahrain online (was based in protests against anti-Shia discrimination) 

- "We Are All Khaled Said" 

- "Freedom of Expression in Mourning" campaign



How did views of Morsi’s disposal differ between groups (between military joined by opposition and the deposed president’s followers?)

Followers of the deposed president said that it was a military coup. The opposition held that it was a "legitimate act of insubordination in continuity with the January 25th revolution" (Khosrakhavar 4).


What were some of the disagreements that the Islamists had with human rights associated with democracy?

Islamists disagreed with democratic ideals of equality, particularly in gender and religion, and in the creation of laws by humans.


What is “parliamentarization” and how does it relate to the “repertoire of contention” that is discussed in this article?

It is the changing of methods within the "repertoire of contention" to adapt to external forces existing at the time.


Name four examples of social non-movements that are given in the article

1) Egyptian 2000 Popular Committee for the Solidarity with the Palestinian Intifada 

2) 2004-2005 Egyptian Kefaya movement 

3) Cedar Revolution

4) Iranian Green Wave Democracy Movement


What was the purpose of the Shura Council under the Muslim Brotherhood's government?

It limited the power of the judiciary whose members refused to abide by restrictions imposed on the branch in May 2013.


Which articles in the Islamists’ new constitution declared Islam the primary source of law?

Articles 4 and 219


How did the shutdown of the internet following the January 25th demonstrations influence the behavior of Egyptian protesters?

Activists only worked around the blackout, figuring out how to circumvent it.


What led to the workers' strike that took place in the Nile Delta city of Mahalia? 

"The April 6th Facebook strike" Facebook page was created calling for a labor strike


What was the specific story given by the government pertaining to the placing of a cross on the Islamic Institute as an act of discrimination?

The reaction from the president's spokesperson blamed Christians for starting the violence, blaming them for painting graffiti on the wall of an al-Azhar building in Khosous.


What were some reasons for the failure of the Muslim Brotherhood’s governance in Egypt?

They did not uphold their promise of democratic government, they did not represent all of Egyptian society and the Muslim Brotherhood did not govern properly.


What skillset was necessary in order for protesters to engage in virtual dissidence during the January 25th protests?

They had to have hacking skills to work around the government's ban.