Before anything was created there was...
A primortial ocean of Chaos
Set(h) is the god of...
the desert (& violence/chaos).
Who was Osiris' wife?
What were the famous tombs of the early pharohs called? (A few of which are still standing)
How is the weather in Egypt?
Hot and sunny
Then _______ breathed life and a great island rose out of the ocean and became the land.
Thoth is the god of...
knowledge/wisdom (& the moon)
Isis is the goddes of...
life, marital devotion, magic & reincarnation (healing).
True or false: Only royalty were mummified?
False - most people were mummified to some degree, but of course the wealthier the person, the more care and expense could go into the process and tomb.
What is the symbol of Ra?
The sun
The god _______ was created as the sun (and made pretty much all other creation).
Anubis is the god of...
funeral rites, mummification and guardian of the underworld.
Bastet was associated with as being what animal?
Why did the Egyptians mummify their dead?
They believed they could still use their bodies in the Afterlife.
What river was central to Egyptian life and culture?
The Nile.
Shu was created to be divinity of ________ and Tefnut was created to be the divinity of _________.
Air/Dryness (Shu) & Moisture (Tefnut)
Ra is considered the ____ of all Egyptian Gods.
the father of
What did Isis do that made her a the figure of the perfectly devoted wife and queen?
She reassembled her husband (Osiris) dead body after his brother Seth had killed him, and she brought him back to life for a time.
What happened to one's soul after death?
It had to journey through the underworld/afterlife, facing trials for several days, before being weighed/judged.
Humans were born from...
The Tears of Ra
From Shu & Tefnut, _____ was the divinty of the earth and ____ was the divinity of the sky.
Geb (earth) & Nut (sky)
Horus is the god of...
war and the pharohs.
Who was Isis' sister, known for her rainbow wings and married to Seth?
What did one's heart/soul need to be lighter than in order to pass into the Afterlife (eternity)?
It had to weigh lighter than Ma'at's feather of truth.
What sacred document became important to record spells that would help the person pass through the trials after death?
The Book of the Dead
From Geb and Nut the first ruler of Egypt was born, named...
Osiris is the god of...
dead/underworld but could also bring/grant life. (Responsible for the annual flood of the Nile.)
What goddess was worshipped when needing specific protection of women and childbirth?
What happened if someone's soul didn't pass the final judgement?
It was eaten by Amenti (giant crocodile) and ceased to exist.
What were the containers called that they would put various organs in during the mummification process?
Canopic jars.