which modern day animal is most closely related to the dinosaur
humans are a _______ based life forms
names of any kind
which major key has no accidentals
C major
name all 3 naturally magnetic elements
iron, nickel, and cobalt
dancing in you upon the boardwalk or Narumbega park
what part of speech are the underlined words
a 7 chord with a flat 7th note
dominant chord
the scientific name of our sun that we orbit
what are the main muscles in the human core
abs, torso, lower back, glutes
which element on the periodic table has the highest melting point
what is the english derivative of "Ballitsa, Ballistae"
what is a commonly used word to count quintuplets
what is the name for the phenomenon of how time slows for an object the faster it moves
time dilation
what is the name of the sap that trees use to transfer minerals to around the tree
xylem phloem
what is the name of the ancient study of chemistry, most notable for it's attempts at turning lead to gold
what word follows the definition "a semiconductor devise with two terminals, typically allowing the flow of current in one direction only" with the synonyms electron tube, rectifying valve
what mode of G has no accidentals, and what notes are changed
Lydian, #4
which galaxy are we said to collide with in 4.5 billion years
the Andromeda galaxy
what are the two plant equivalent of sperm and egg
pollen and ovule
small pox
what part of speech is the "wa" in "watashino sumaho wa doko desu ka"
what are all the notes in the altered/superlocrian scale
1, b9, #9, 3, #11, b13, b7
the process of being torn apart by the gravitational pull of a black hole is called what(bonus points if you spell it right unlike me)