Performance Standards/EHS
Assessments & Screenings (1302.33)
Coaching & Family Engagement (1302.34)

What color is the Performance Standard book?



What curriculum do we use in our EHS classrooms?

Creative Curriculum; Smart Teach (Teaching Strategies Gold)


How often is CLASS completed each year?

 twice a year


Who is your Curriculum and Instruction Specialist? (bonus if you can name both CIS)

Amber Jackson or Courtney Veintimilla


How are Dual Language Learners/different cultures incorporated into the classroom?

Books/dolls/toys/ materials/speaking familiar language/playing songs in primary/family photos/language/literacy postings in primary language throughout the classroom, use nonverbal cues, recording family speaking familiar language, etc.


What does EHS stand for?

Early Head Start


During all mealtimes what should the teachers be doing?  

The classroom teachers should enjoy meals with children by sitting with them, eating, and communicating with them.


What types of assessments are used to monitor social-emotional development?

ASQ; completed by parents and/or teachers. If failed, rescreened in 6 weeks by CIS and eDECA; 2 times per year (pre in Sept and post in May)


What type of communication system do we have for families and how are parents involved within the EHS program?

The Hub-LineLeader, Tadpoles, ProCare

They are encouraged to participate in school events, respected as child's first teacher and have a Family Engagement Specialist they "report" to throughout their EHS enrollment.


Who do you contact if you suspect an EHS child of child abuse?

School Leader/Director and Director of EHS (Ashleigh Hoekstra)


The __________________role within EHS is to promote the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of infants and toddlers."



____________________represents a picture walk-through of the child's day and should be posted at children's eye level and reflect current children enrolled in the program

Picture (Visual) Daily Schedule/Routines of the day


What does ASQ stand for?

Ages and Stages Questionnaire


________________ is the type of communication policy we have for families.

 Open-door policy


_____________ are a written document that outlines the early intervention services that a child will receive when they are eligible for early childhood special needs services

Individualized Family Service Plans- IFSP--- Explain the process
The process that occurs when a student in your classroom receives an IFPS is… a CIS will review IFSP and "Suggested Activities." Teacher will then place these "Classroom Practices and Activity Suggestions" onto LP in the individual Plan section on for specific child weekly. 


What population does EHS primarily serve?

At-risk children i.e. children in poverty, experience homelessness, have experienced severe trauma, etc.


When should teeth brushing occur in an infant and toddler classroom?

 Infants—after every bottle and Toddlers—once daily


_________________ is a tool for observing and assessing the effectiveness of interactions among teachers and students in classrooms. It measures the emotional, organizational, and instructional supports provided by teachers that have contributed to children's social, developmental, and academic achievement.



How are developmental milestones communicated to families?

Parent/teacher conferences and home visits --- If a new child, a Parent Connection meeting by FES within 45 days of enrollment 

*** Home visits happen twice a year (fall/spring)  


What does ELI CCP stand for?

Early Learning Indiana Child Care Partnership Network

  • Our network consists of Early Learning Indiana’s centers known as Day Early Learning at Park 100, Howe, Center for Infants and Toddlers, VOA, and now Manual. As well as, our two partner sites, Children’s Village Childcare Center and East Tenth United Methodist Child and Youth Center.

What Sub-Part are the educational performance standards in the performance standards book?

 Sub-Part C, 

*whenever we have a training you should bring your performance standard book


How many times per year are curriculum observations assessed?

Quarterly---4 checkpoints per year


A newly enrolled child's ASQ screening must be completed within how many days of enrollment?

45 days


What coaching method is used within the EHS program?

Practice-Based Coaching


What is the ELOF?

Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework. It’s used as an a developmental guide to help identify developmental milestones and provide enriching activities for children in school, at home, speak multiple languages and more!---if time share video and link to it 

There’s the ELOF for That | ECLKC 

Learn more about the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) in this short upbeat video.