A base runner is an easy out if they advance on a pop fly out before doing this.
Tag up
While it's usually combined with toilet, skibidi has also been known to precede this U.S. state.
Solve sqrt64 = x
Name the song:
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas rising up through the air
Hotel California
In the middle of the last century, the "State of Jefferson" movement fizzled out after this major world event hit home.
World War II
This volleyball player wears a different color from the rest of the team and acts as a back row defensive specialist.
This influencer was the first to reach 100 million followers on the platform.
Charli D'Amelio
This is the slope of the line defined by 2y + 8 = 2x - 1.
Patches O'Houlihan is the crusty old coach of a ragtag team in the sport after which this comedy movie is named.
Shotguns typically fire shells for their superior spread, but they can also fire these single projectiles for greater distance.
For a trap shooter to get a perfect score at a single stand, he or she must hit this many targets in a row.
Only brave couples should try the "We listen and we don't ___________ " trend.
Simplify (8/27)^(1/3
In Shakespeare's historical drama Richard III, poor old king Richard pleads to trade his kingdom for one of these.
A horse
Someone who says "I don't have no money" has committed this grammatical faux pas.
Double negative
When a defensive player intercepts a pass and runs it back for a touchdown, it is usually referred to by this numerical slang term.
Pick 6
First seen in a viral video from a vocal coach, people quickly got a laugh out of a young singer raising her ___ ___ ___.
ya ya ya
How many different ways can you combine pennies, nickels, and dimes to get 10 cents?
4 (1 dime, 2 nickels, 1 nickel and 5 pennies, 10 pennies)
This thing is not your personal food preference; it's the hard surface that a painter uses to mix and arrange paints (it's spelled differently anyway).
Latin's big with a lot of military branches; the Marines pledge semper fidelis, which means this.
Always faithful
A soccer player who is behind the other team's defense before the ball is passed is guilty of this infraction.
During its brief ban, Tik Tok users migrated to this Chinese alternative as "Tik Tok refugees".
sqrt2 and pi are famous examples of these types of numbers, which cannot be represented as ratios of integers.
The Waste Land is one of the most famous - and famously difficult to understand - poems, first published by this poet in 1922.
T.S. Eliot
Despite life-long efforts, Albert Einstein was never able to merge relativity with electromagnetism under the G.U.T., an acronym that stands for this.
Grand unified theory