Tobacco & Jamestown
French and Indian War
On the Map
Acts of Parliament and Taxation
Exploration and Settlement
"All our riches for the present do consist in Tobacco, wherein one man by his own labor hath in one year raised to himself to the value of 2001 sterling; and another by the means of six servants hath cleared at one crop a thousand." Secretary of the Virginia Colony, John Porry 1619. According to this quote, what item was of most value to the Virginia Colony?
What disagreement between the French and British in the colonies caused a war?
  • A. A religious faith
  • B. territorial expansion
  • C. who would rule over the Indians
  • D. which side would ally with the Indians
B. territorial expansion

According to the map which European settlers originally colonized Rupert's land?

  • A. The British
  • B. The Dutch
  • C. The Portuguese
  • D. The Spanish
A. The British
Which 1773 event is NOT an Act of Parliament?
  • A. Boston Massacre
  • B. Tea Act
  • C. Navigation Act
  • D. Quartering Act
A. Boston Massacre
According to the Mayflower Compact, why did the colonists at Plymouth need to form a Civil Body Politic?
  • A. to be obedient to the King
  • B. to establish their own King
  • C. to plant the first colony in northern Virginia
  • D. to better order themselves and for their own preservation
D. to better order themselves and for their own preservation

“When Captain Newport returned with two ships in 1608 he found only ten survivors who were fit to work. Soon after Newport docked, Jamestown caught fire. The conflagration destroyed most of the equipment and possessions already there. Newport’s orders from the Virginia Company of London, the joint-stock enterprise that owned the colony, were to return with goods that would begin to repay the investors. Thus, the settlers spent too much of their time and energy sawing trees and splitting boards, not for their own homes but for export to England.

Problems continued for the settlement. The locally governing seven-man Jamestown council spent more time scheming for position instead of organizing the workforce. The Virginia Company continued to send more settlers without proper supplies, adding to the burden of feeding the colony. In addition, the new arrivals were “mostly gentlemen” and few or no tradesmen.”

Colonial Williamsburg Journal: Winter 2007: “we are starved” by I. N. Hume

The excerpt is writt3n in reference to which colonial settlement?
  • A. Charles Town SC
  • B. Jamestown VA
  • C. Plymouth MA
  • D. St. Augustine FL
B. Jamestown VA
Which best describes Native American participation in the French and Indian War?
  • A. The Native Americans took no part in the conflickt.
  • B. The Native Americans allied with the French against the British.
  • C. The Native Americans allied with the British against the French
  • D. The Native Americans allied first with the French, then with the British
D. The Native American allied first with the French, then with the British
The Spanish Colonized which of the following:
  • A. Alaska
  • B. Florida
  • C. Louisiana
  • D. Newfoundland
B. Florida
The great capital argument, which I find on this subject… is this: that no Englishman is, or can be taxed, but by his own consent by which must be meant one of these three propositions; either that no Englishman can be taxed without his own consent as an individual; or that no Englishman can be taxed without the consent of the persons he chooses to represent him; or that no Englishman can be taxed without the consent of the majority of all those, who are elected by himself and others of his fellow-subjects to represent them. Now let us impartially consider, whether any one of thoese propositions are in fact true…” – The Objections to the Taxation Considered Adapted from Soam Jenyns
From whose point of view is this excerpt written?
  • A. The British Colonists
  • B. The French Colonists
  • C. King George III
  • D. British Parliament
A. The British Colonists
As European settlements expanded what were Native Americans forced to do?
  • A. pledge allegiance to the British Crown
  • B. become an agricultural society like the Europeans
  • C. relocate to specific areas and modify their lifestyle
  • D. adapt to the religious beliefs of majority settlers in the area
C. relocate to specific areas and modify their lifestyle

“When Captain Newport returned with two ships in 1608 he found only ten survivors who were fit to work. Soon after Newport docked, Jamestown caught fire. The conflagration destroyed most of the equipment and possessions already there. Newport’s orders from the Virginia Company of London, the joint-stock enterprise that owned the colony, were to return with goods that would begin to repay the investors. Thus, the settlers spent too much of their time and energy sawing trees and splitting boards, not for their own homes but for export to England.

Problems continued for the settlement. The locally governing seven-man Jamestown council spent more time scheming for position instead of organizing the workforce. The Virginia Company continued to send more settlers without proper supplies, adding to the burden of feeding the colony. In addition, the new arrivals were “mostly gentlemen” and few or no tradesmen.”

Colonial Williamsburg Journal: Winter 2007: “we are starved” by I. N. Hume

According to this account, who owned the colony?
  • A The settlers
  • B Captain Newport
  • C The Virginia Commpany of London
  • D The locally governing seven-man council
C The Virginia Company of London
Why did Parliament decide to make the colonies assume part of the French and Indian War debt?
  • A. because Britain lost the war
  • B. because so many Colonial troops had deserted from the war
  • C. because Britain had gained no new territory from the war
  • D. because the war had been fought for the colonists' benefit
D. because the war had been fought for the colonists' benefit
Use the map to answer the question
While the Louisiana territory changed ownership multiple times throughout history, according to the map, which European settlers originally claimed Louisiana?
  • A. The British
  • B. The Danish
  • C. The French
  • D. The Spanish
C. The French
How did the British navigation laws affect colonial profits?
  • A. The laws limited production of goods, creating a demand; therefore, profits increased.
  • B. The laws increased the production ocost of the actual good; therefore, profits decreased
  • C. The laws encouraged monopolies, removing all competition; therefore profits increased.
  • D. The laws limited trade to the British Crown, restricting access to other markets; therefore profits decreased
D. The laws limited trade to the British Crown, restricting access to other markets; therefore profits decreased
What did North American rivers provide that caused many early colonists to settle near them?
  • A. popular camping sites
  • B. protection from enemies
  • C. water power for factories
  • D. resources suitable for agriculture
D. resources suitable for agriculture

“When Captain Newport returned with two ships in 1608 he found only ten survivors who were fit to work. Soon after Newport docked, Jamestown caught fire. The conflagration destroyed most of the equipment and possessions already there. Newport’s orders from the Virginia Company of London, the joint-stock enterprise that owned the colony, were to return with goods that would begin to repay the investors. Thus, the settlers spent too much of their time and energy sawing trees and splitting boards, not for their own homes but for export to England.

Problems continued for the settlement. The locally governing seven-man Jamestown council spent more time scheming for position instead of organizing the workforce. The Virginia Company continued to send more settlers without proper supplies, adding to the burden of feeding the colony. In addition, the new arrivals were “mostly gentlemen” and few or no tradesmen.”

Colonial Williamsburg Journal: Winter 2007: “we are starved” by I. N. Hume

Why did the settlers spend "too much of their time and energy sawing trees and splitting boards, not for their own homes but for export to England?

  • A In order to begin repaying investors
  • B They didn't need homes because they lived on the ships.
  • C In order to make money so they could buy their own homes.
  • D They didn't need homes because they lived with the Native Americans
A In order to begin repaying investors
What future president served in the French and Indian War?
  • A. John Quincy Adams
  • B. George Washington
  • C. Andrew Jackson
  • D. James Madison
B. George Washington
What geographic feature marked the western boundary for the 13 colonies?
  • A. Appalachian Mountains
  • B. Mississippi River
  • C. New Hampshire
  • D. New Jersey
A. Appalachian Mountains
Which act of Parliament levied taxes on all newspapers, pamphlets, and other public and legal documents in the American colonies?
  • A. Intolerable Acts
  • B. Stamp Act
  • C. Sugar Act
  • D. Tea Tax
B. Stamp Act
What was the major reason the original colonial settlers of Plymouth Colony, Maryland and Pennsylvania came to America?
  • A. to search for gold and silver
  • B. to bring spices to the New World
  • C. to secure freedom from religious persecution
  • D. to convert Native American Indians to Christianity
C. to secure freedom from religious persecution

“When Captain Newport returned with two ships in 1608 he found only ten survivors who were fit to work. Soon after Newport docked, Jamestown caught fire. The conflagration destroyed most of the equipment and possessions already there. Newport’s orders from the Virginia Company of London, the joint-stock enterprise that owned the colony, were to return with goods that would begin to repay the investors. Thus, the settlers spent too much of their time and energy sawing trees and splitting boards, not for their own homes but for export to England.

Problems continued for the settlement. The locally governing seven-man Jamestown council spent more time scheming for position instead of organizing the workforce. The Virginia Company continued to send more settlers without proper supplies, adding to the burden of feeding the colony. In addition, the new arrivals were “mostly gentlemen” and few or no tradesmen.”

Colonial Williamsburg Journal: Winter 2007: “we are starved” by I. N. Hume
What is implied by the phrase "...burden of feeding the colony"?

  • A. The slaves were on a hunger strike.
  • B. Cooking for that many people was difficult.
  • C. They needed mechanical plows to harvest the fields
  • D. The colony was afraid of starving from lack of food and too many people
D. The colony was afraid of starving from lack of food and too many people
At what city did Revere and Dawes meet and ride together?
  • A. Boston
  • B. Lexington
  • C. Medford
  • D. Menotomy
D. Menotomy
Which Act of Parliament was an attempt to punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party?
  • A. Intolerable Acts
  • B. Stamp Acts
  • C. Sugar Act
  • D. Tea Tax
A. Intolerable Acts
Which was an economic route during 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries that consisted of three major port cities?
  • A. Incense Route
  • B. Middle Passage
  • C. Silk and Spices Route
  • D. Triangle Trade Route
D. Triangle Trade Route