Searching the Literature
Experimental Designs
Concepts of Clinical Research
What are the 3 Primary Operators of Boolean Logic?
What is AND, NOT, OR.
True or False: Exclusion Criteria includes factors that would preclude someone from being a subject in a study. This could also include potentially confounding factors.
What is True.
What is the main difference between a Double-Blind Study vs. a Single-Blind Study?
What is a. Double-Blind Study – Neither the subjects nor the investigators are aware of the identity of the treatment groups until after the data are collected b. Single-Blind Study – Only the investigator/measurement team is blinded (ethical reasons)
What is the difference between an Experimental Design and a Quasi-Experimental Design?
What is a. Experimental Design – Random Assignment to at least 2 comparison groups and exerts control over most threats to internal validity. b. Quasi-Experimental Design – Lacks Random Assignment, which cannot rule out threats to internal validity with the same confidence as Experimental Designs
The “Integration of best research evidence with our clinical expertise and our patient’s unique values and circumstances” is known as what?
What is Evidence Based Practice
What are used as symbols that allow a broad interpretation of a search term, finding plurals, spelling variations, and alternate form of words (?,*,$)?
What is Trunications & Wildcards.
What is the difference between a Sample & a Population?
What is a. Sample – Subgroup of the targeted population b. Population – The larger group to which research results are generalized
True or False: Internal Validity focuses on whether the results can be generalized to other persons, settings, or times.
What is a. False – External Validity. b. Internal Validity – There is evidence of a causal relationship between independent and dependent variables.
What are internal validity threat(s) when using a 2-Group Pretest-Posttest Design?
What is Threats – Testing, Instrumentation
True or False: Quantitative Research is used when measurement outcomes are based on numerical data under standardized conditions?
What is True
True or False: Using the “Focus Option” (Restricting the search) helps to improve Sensitivity?
What is a. False – Helps to improve Specificity (Precision) b. The proportion of citations that are relevant that the search is able to retrieve; Likelihood of excluding irrelevant references.
What type of sampling is being used when the researcher indentifies relevant population characteristics and portions the members of a population into homogenous, non-overlapping subsets (strata’s) based on these characteristics? This type of sampling is performed to make sure not to leave out certain groups.
What is Stratified Random Sampling. A form of probability sampling.
Which threat to Internal Validity deals with the reliability of the measurements and the concern that observers could become more experienced and skilled at measurement between a pretest and posttest?
What is Instrumentation.
In a Factorial Design what does a 2x2 design indicate?
What is 2 Variables at 2 Levels and 4 Groups
What type of reasoning is used when general propositions and subsequent inferences can be drawn in to specific cases?
What is Deductive Reasoning
What does the PICO stand for?
What is P=Population, I=Intervention, C=Comparison, O=Outcome.
What type of sampling is being used when the researcher chooses subjects based on availability/whosever easiest to access?
What is a. Convenience Sampling b. Non-Probability Sampling
Which Multi-group threat to Internal Validity occurs when the control group perceives their treatment to be less desirable and works extra hard to achieve similar results as the intervention group?
What is Compensatory Rivalry.
What type of design is used when an attribute variable is crossed with an active independent variable in order to create homogenous blocks of subjects that will receive the treatment condition(s)?
What is Randomized Block Design
What is the definition of a Systematic Review?
What is a. A comprehensive analysis of the full range of literature on a particular topic. b. RCT’s studying the same thing & compare to other RCT. c. 20-30 RCT’s in one systematic review.
What is the Pedro Scale used for?
What is Scale for Internal Validity.
What is the definition of Statistical Power?
What is a. The ability to find significant differences when they exist b. Sample size affects Statistical Power c. Small sample= Power tends to be low
What is the potential result of confounding/extraneous variables on a study?
What is a. These are factors that are not directly related to the purpose of the study, but may have an affected on the dependent variable. b. Ex. Examine the effect of cryotherapy on pain relief. If the subjects are on pain medications this would be seen as a confounding factor because you would not be able to tell if the pain relief came from solely cryotherapy or pain medications or both.
What type of design is used when 1 group of subjects are exposed to all levels of 1 independent variable? In this case the each subject acts as their own control.
What is One-Way Repeated Measures Design
What type of question(s) are developed in response to the need to identify evidence regarding the use of a specific intervention in the management of a particular patient?
What is Foreground Questions