
What is dharma?

Your responsibility, righteousness, duty, and morality.


What is gnan?

Knowledge that Leads to Spiritual Enlightenment


What is vairagya?

The detachment from material objects and pursuits of the world, and complete attachment and love for Bhagwan.


what is bhakti?

Bhakti is the act of worshiping God or offering devotion to God.


What can you do to follow your dharma?

Satsang reading and following our niyams and aganas. Ex: Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Mahant Swami Maharaj both really push for us to not eat meat, not eat onion and garlic, not eat eggs, do Ekadashi, do puja daily, and study hard! 


What can we do to understand the greatness of our gurus? What can we do to please them?

Satsang reading, listening to katha, sant samagam will help us understand their greatness. Pleasing them is simply following niyams - daily Tilak Chandlo, on onion/garlic, daily puja, panchang pranam to parents everyday, etc.


How should we rather spend our time?

instead of using it on videogames, try and limit it and do more satsang related activities. 


what was the prasang of parvatbhai?

Parvatbhai was working on the farm. At noon, he stopped ploughing and started offering thal in his mind to Maharaj. Seeing this, a ploughman thought Parvatbhai was dozing and so he prodded him with a stick. When he came closer he saw curd had rolled down from Parvatbhai’s empty hands. The ploughman was surprised to see the curd appear out of nowhere. When he asked where it came from, Parvatbhai replied, “I was mentally offering Maharaj curd and cooked rice. You prodded me at the very instant I was offering the curd and so it rolled off my hands.”


Who was the devotee that bravely faced a lion by embracing dharma which showed his unwavering faith in god

Bhaktaraj Joban Pagi


how many siblings did shantilal have and where was he born?



Shashtriji Maharaj's building mandirs 

he was making bochasan and sarangpur mandir at the same time, while having no money in the kothar. Shastriji maharaj had complete faith in Bhagwan that he had no concern for the lack of money


Name 5 daily ahniks

puja, arti, thaal, chesta, satsang reading, Guruhari darshan


Which guru made sure that the devotee did not leave hungry

Pramukh Swami, he did this after the devotee was high-tempered and talking bad about PSM


when was shastrji maharaj born, and who were his parents?

January 31, 1865/ Dhoribhai and Hetba


What was the prasang of vinubhai becoming msm?

Motikaka came up to Yogiji Maharaj and told him, “In our family, four youths took initiation as sadhus, but none of them have remained so. Whereas he [Vinubhai] is from a distant place [Jabalpur] and nor does he have any satsang knowledge – how long will he remain a sadhu after becoming one? Tell me Swami, am I not his well-wisher?” And then Motikaka took hold of Vinubhai’s arm and spoke sternly, “Come home. A girl and all other comforts of a married life are ready for you.” However, Vinubhai politely wrested his arm from Motikaka’s grip and boldly replied, “I do not want to get married. I want to become a sadhu!” Motibhai was infuriated by Vinubhai’s reply and so he struck Vinubhai with his hand, and shouted, “I give you three more days to think about it.” Vinubhai spoke calmly, “I don’t need to think any further. My final decision is to become a sadhu.” Yogiji Maharaj blissfully looked at Vinubhai and confidently said, “Motibhai, he wants to become a sadhu. Therefore, allow him to be one, and bless him.” Motibhai reluctantly agreed after hearing Yogiji Maharaj’s words and uttered, “Okay, whatever he wishes.” Then he blessed Vinubhai, “If it is your wish, then become a sadhu. I am happy about it.” Then, Motibhai walked away quietly.


what was the prasang of msm missing mangala aarti?

Mahant Swami Maharaj loves bhakti. His immense love for bhakti and ahnik can be seen from the way he makes it a point to attend mangala aarti wherever he is. In fact, he always reaches mangala aarti before time. In 2013, Mahant Swami Maharaj came to Selvas mandir. It is the norm for all mandirs to do mangala aarti at 6:00 AM. However, in Selvas, mangala aarti takes place at 5:45 AM, and the local Pujya santo forgot to inform Mahant Swami Maharaj about it. Next morning, as per his routine, three minutes before 6:00 AM, Mahant Swami Maharaj was walking towards the mandir. As he was going up the steps, he saw other Pujya santo coming down. He then asked, “Is mangala aarti over?” The Pujya santo replied that it was. Mahant Swami Maharaj was shocked hearing this. His face reflected how disheartened he was to miss mangala aarti. Saddened, he returned to his utaro and continued with his daily routine. After some time, everyone realized that Mahant Swami Maharaj had not taken his morning breakfast and had decided to observe a fast. The local Pujya santo went to Mahant Swami Maharaj and said, “It’s our fault that you missed mangala aarti, so if anyone needs repent, it should be us and not you.” There were tears in their eyes as they tried to talk Mahant Swami Maharaj out of his fast.


What was the prasang of psm at the United Nations World Peace Summit in New York?

Swamishri’s public address was going to be an incredible honor for not only BAPS, but also for all of Hinduism and India. This was going to be the first ever speech delivered in Gujarati from the main platform at the United Nations. However, Swamishri was not at all excited or even thinking about the honor and prestige that he was going to receive. He was only concerned and worried about preserving the specific niyams that Shriji Maharaj has given for Swaminarayan sadhus in terms of following brahmacharya, or celibacy. He would not give the speech unless special arrangements were made for seating to follow maryada.


When was msm born? what were his parents' names?

September 13. 1933/ Manibhai and Dahiben


What was the prasang of dubli bhatt?

Dubli Bhatt put down his pagh. Then he untied the knots at the end of pagh. And there was one paisa.He united second knot. Another paisa. Thus he untied thirteen knots and from that he removed thirteen paisas. He offered it to Maharaj and said affectionately,“This is all what I have got. Please accept this as my contribution for building mandir.” Many people who had assembled laughed. but Maharaj did not laugh. He came down from his seat, caught Dubli Bhatt’s hand and said, “Bhattji, keep the money with you and bring the pagh.”Dubli Bhatt said, “I don’t need a new pagh. Sooner or later I am going to die.” Maharaj said, “Then buy new dhoti.” Dubli Bhatt replied, “What is wrong with this one? For how many days willI need a new dhoti?” “We will accept your thirteen paise,” Maharaj said,and stretched out his hand. He then called out, “Gopinath Maharaj ni jai!” Everyone hailed the “Jai”. Dubli Bhatt then left. One devotee, a Kathi Darbar, asked, “Maharaj, many have given thousands of rupees but you didn’t call the ‘Jai’, and with this thirteen paise you did. Why?” Maharaj explained, “You all know that Dubli Bhatthas no home or place to live. He begs for his food. The Thirteen paise he has given are his life savings. Those who have given thousand or two thousand havereserved some money for themselves and then given it to the Lord. But Dubli has given everything to the Lord. He has left nothing for himself. Now you tell me, who has the greater faith in God, he or you?” Everyone understood Maharaj’s message. 


what are the nine types of bhakti?

Shravanam. This is when we hear about God, which can be done through katha and kirtans.

Kirtanam. It is exactly what it sounds like! This is singing the glory of God! We are doing this while singing along to our favorite bhajan or kirtan all the time!

Smaranam. Remembering God and all of his divine actions. This can be done easily in our morning puja.

Padsevanam. Serving God’s holy feet and we can do this by performing seva.

Archanam. Offering pujan to and worshipping God. There are many ways we can perform Archanam such as our daily puja, mansi, thaal, and mahapuja.

Vandanam. Bowing down before God. We are doing this every time we fold our hands, do dandvats, or panchang pranam.

Dasyam. This is when we offer devotion to God and His Bhakta as His servant, such as the seva we dowithout expecting any reward or prize in return.

Sakhyam. Offering devotion to God as a close friend of His. We can do this by forming a friendship withGod and remembering Him all day.

Atmanivedanam. Offering ourselves and everything we have to God.