How many meals are served daily at Camp?
3 and snack
Where is Horseback Riding located at Camp?
The Barn
True or False: EKC stands for Emma Koyfman Camp
In which city is Emma Kaufmann Camp located?
Morgantown, West Virginia
What is the appetizer at Shabbat dinner at camp?
Matzah Ball Soup
What is the area where Sabras Campers live called?
The Circle
True or False: We do NOT have tennis courts at Camp
What do we call the talent show on Saturday nights at Camp?
Shabbat Concert
What do we serve with Tomato Soup?
Grilled Cheese!
What is the area that Kineret Campers live called?
The Street
True or False: Camp has 3 diving boards
Sabra, Kineret, Halutzim, Teens, SIT
What is Aaron Cantor's favorite camp meal?
Where is mini golf located?
in the Sukkah
True or False: You cannot wait to come to EKC this summer!
Water skiing, tubing, canoeing, kayaking, blob, rave, swimming, saturn, stand up paddle board, fishing