What does this mean when you see: Straight-line with no waveform on the EKG?
Lead Off
Space between the two ribs
How to care for a patient with CHF/Congestive Heart Failure?
1. Low Sodium Diet
2. Fluid Resrtiction
3. Strict I/O's
4. Daily Weights (monitor and document)
5. TEDs/SED's
6. Have patient sit in Semi Fowlers/Fowler's Position
7. Medication-Nursing Intervention
Right Atrium
Receives deoxygenated blood from the body
5th Intercostal space mid clavicular line
What does this mean when you see this: EKG moving up and down on the page?
Wandering Baseline
The area of the shoulder's underside between the upper and arm and the side of the chest.
What is Coronary Artery Disease?
Blockages in the arteries
Left Atrium
Receives oxygenated blood returning from the lungs.
4th Intercostal space right of the sternal border &
4th Intercostal space left of the sternal border
V1 & V2
What doe sit mean when you see this: Fuzzy or abnormally wide baseline, very erratic waveforms, or waveforms are not clear or distinct?
Artifact: General artifact or Electrical interference
The area in the middle of the chest where the right and left ribs are joined (breastbone).
Name risk factors that are controllable, total of 7
1. Obesity
2. Smoking
3. Hypertension
4. Diabetes
5. Stress
6. Sendentary Lifestyle
7. High Cholesterol
Right Ventricle
Receives blood from the right atrium and pumps blood to the lungs to get oxygen.
Mid axillary line same horizontal plane as V5
If your patient's electrodes are not attached to the skin or the wires are not plugged in- What are your interventions?
Place the electrodes back on the skin or Shave hair/cleanse with alcohol before applying the electrodes.
Name the risk factors that are uncontrollable, total of 4
1. Gender
2. Race
3. Family History
4. Age
Left Ventricle
It receives blood from the aorta to the rest of the body to feed all of the tissues.
Anterior axillary line same horizontal plane as V4
What would you do if your patient is moving or has muscle tremors? Also, if you have multiple electrical machines running in the room?
Have the patient place hands in the buttocks. You may unplug electrical equipment- NOT LIFE SUPPORT!
12 Lead EKG
Graphically records the electrical current (activity) generated by the heart.
What is Congestive Heart Failure and what causes this (looking for 3) ?
1. Inability of the heart to pump blood
2. MI, HTN, Damaged Heart valves
Arteries do what?
Veins do what?
Arteries - deliver blood away from the heart & have the ability to contact and dilate
Veins- return blood back to the heart & have valves