Dibella's Subs
What is Ann's favorite food
What is Jyra's favorite drink?
What Dreams May Come
What is Laura's favorite movie?
What is Amanda's favorite color?
What is Jennifers favorite scent?
Mac's greatest dislike
What is Peanut Butter?
Erica's favorite cake flavor
What is Chocolate?
What is Meg's favorite drink?
The Sound of Music
What is Holly's favorite movie?
Lale's favorite flower
What is a tulip?
Tony's favorite scent
What is FOOD?
The third most liked Holiday by our team
What is Halloween?
What is Sarah's favorite food?
Taco Bell
What is Kenz' favorite fast food?
Jen's favorite scent
What is Vanilla?
What is Rocky's favorite flower/plant?
Sam's favorite activity (that she may do on a holiday/vacation or any other time she wishes)
What is hammocking?
The Buffalo Bills
Kelly's favorite restaurant
What is Texas Roadhouse?
COLD Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting
What is Mark's favorite food?
Game of Thrones
What is Jeremy's favorite Book?
Baby Blue
What is Sam Narducci's favorite color?
BONUS: (unrelated to category): The Greek word for Chosen/Choice
What is Thanksgiving?
What is Lydia's favorite food?
What is Mike's favorite snack?
What is Tina's favorite book?
BONUS (Unrelated to category): Joe's favorite number
What is 11?
What is Daylight Savings Time?
What is the holiday the most team members indicated as their favorite?