The reflexive verb meaning "to bathe oneself."
What is bañarse?
The Spanish word for "the towel."
What is la toalla or una toalla?
Jorge no quiere _______ los dientes.
lavarse or cepillarse?
What is cepillarse?
el espejo.
What is mirror?
The Spanish phrase meaning "She likes to put on makeup ..."
What is A ella le gusta maquillarse?
The reflexive verb meaning "to brush one's teeth."
What is cepillarse los dientes?
The Spanish word for "tooth brush."
What is el cepillo de dientes?
Por la noche, me _____ las manos.
Lavo or lava?
What is lavo?
I don't take a bath
What is no me bano?
The Spanish phrase meaning "Can I go to the bathroom?"
What is puedo ir al baño?
The reflexive verb meaning "to shave."
What is afeitarse?
The Spanish word for "shower."
What is la ducha?
Mi padre _______ los dientes en la noche.
What is se cepilla?
We are getting dressed.
What is Nosotros nos ponemos la ropa?
These verbs that an action is done to oneself are called.
What are reflexive verbs?
Double Jeopardy!!!
The reflexive verb meaning "to wash oneself."
What is lavarse?
The Spanish word for "soap."
What is jabón?
Julia y Raquel ________ para la fiesta. ¡Ellas son muy bonitas! (to put on makeup)
What is se maquillan?
Ella se bana por la manana.
What is she takes a bath in the morning?
The Spanish phrase "cada noche means?"
What is each and every night?
Reflexive verbs can not be used with.
What is possessive adjectives?
The Spanish phrase for "2 times a day."
What is dos veces cada dia?
Yo _____ la cara con un jabón especial.
What is me lavo?
Double Jeopardy!!!
We took a shower before school.
What is "Nosotros nos banamos antes la escuela."
Conjugate the verb into the preterite (past) tense.
(Ustedes) ducharse
What is se ducharon?