The Spanish word for head
What is la cabeza?
The body part under your mouth (in Spanish)
What is la barbilla?
What is el mentón?
The body part used to bend your arm (in Spanish)
What is el codo?
The body part that's on your stomach
What is el ombligo?
The body part that bends la pierna
What is la rodilla?
The body part used for listening (in Spanish)
What is las orejas?
The body part used for pointing (in Spanish)
What is el dedo?
The body part you shrug when you don't know something (in Spanish)
What is el hombro?
The body part that you use for dancing
What is la cadera?
The body part between la rodilla y el pie?
What is el tobillo?
The body part used for smelling (in Spanish)
What is la nariz?
The body part that has 5 fingers
What is la mano?
The body part that holds up la cabeza
What is el cuello?
What is la cintura?
The body part that helps you stand up taller
What is El dedo del pie?
The body part used for eating (in Spanish)
What is la boca?
The body part that is between la mano y el codo?
The body part between el cuello y el ombligo
What is el pecho?
What is la pierna?
You brush this every morning
What is el pelo?
What is el cabello?
The body part used for seeing (in Spanish)
What is los ojos?
The body part used for swinging a tennis racket (in Spanish)
What is el brazo?
What is el estómago?
The body part that kicks a ball
What is el pie?
You raise this body part if you're surprised
What is la ceja?