How old is Paco?
¿Que es Antagonista?
An antagonist or villain.
What are the names of Paco's bullies?
Mateo & Nicolás.
¿Que Es Un Charango?
A small guitar made from the shell of an armadillo.
What is the name of his youngest sister?
What does Paco do?
He is a shoe shiner
¿Que es Personaje Principal?
The main character.
How did bullies catch Paco?
He fell.
¿Que Es Un Aguayo?
A colorful woven blanket.
What is the name of the main character
Where was Paco running in the start of the chapter?
In front of the markets and in the street.
¿Que es Inclinadas?
An incline.
Why does Paco want new shoes?
Because his shoes are old and have holes.
What did Paco need from the closet?
New Shoes.
What is the name of his 3 year old sister?
what is the name of the chapter?
Zapatos Viejos.
¿Que es Lustrador?
Shoe polish.
What poor town does Paco live in?
La Paz.
What is the other item that Paco finds in the closet?
The El Ekeko Doll.
1 hour.
¿Que es Suspiro?
A sigh.
How much bolivianos did the bullies take? (Hint:The number is a multiple of ten and no more than 100. Plus 3 guess's.)
30 Bolivianos
What is the name of the chapter?
El closet