China, Chinese monks in search for a life extending elixir.
who was the Egyptian god of chaos and storms?
How many angels fell from heaven with and including Lucifer?
if you are going through hell keep going
winston churchill
a single edged sword with a convex curved blade associated with middle eastern, south asian, or north african cultures.
how many major crusades were commissioned by the roman catholics?
In the epic of Gilgamesh, what does Gilgamesh leave Uruk to search for?
who is the lead archangel in heaven?
Archangel Michael
two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
Albert Einstein
a multi rocket launcher and an organ of similar design which were developed in fifteenth century korea. The former variant fired one or two hundred rocket powered arrows while the latter fired several dozen iron headed arrows or bolts out of gun barrels
what was the name of the Incan citadel, also dubbed the eighth wonder of the world?
Machu Picchu
Double Jeopardy, what is the name of the dragon king of the East sea in Japanese mythology? Who are his 3 brothers who rule over the rest of the cardinal directions?
ao guang (ao kuang) ao shun, ao qin, ao run
Double Jeopardy, How many heavenly virtues are there? What are they?
7, charity, chastity, diligence, humility, kindness, patience, temperance
be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mahatma Gahndi
this sword, also known as the doppelhander, in germany this was the largest two handed sword in use during the 16th century
how many known pyramids did the Egyptians make?
what is the full name of the japanese god of the sun?
Which angel stands at the gate of Eden? Also can be related to SCP 001-2?
If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
J.K. Rowling
this french thrusting sword also called a tuck in english, in use from the 14th to 17th century. It is characterized by a cruciform hilt with a grip for 1 or 2 handed use, and a straight, edgeless, but sharply pointed blade.
who was the first king of Mesopotamia?
King Sargon of Akkad
In the Epic of Beowulf what monster is Beowulf sent to kill?
What demonic text is said to be the culmination of 14th-15th century spell casting. Also known as a pseudepigraphical grimoire (book of spells). It describes the necessary drawings and incantations to prepare magical operations.
Key of solomon
deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.
J.R.R Tolkien
type of chinese pole weapon that is used in some forms of chinese martial arts. in chinese, it is known as a reaching moon blade. also called the blade of Gaun yu