the yo form of tomar in the imperfect tense
What is tomaba
the yo form of leer in the imperfect tense
What is leía
What are the three irregular verbs in the imperfect tense?
What is ir, ser and ver
What is siempre
the tú form of llamar in the imperfect tense
What is llamabas
the tú form of comer in the imperfect tense
What is comías
the tú form of ser in the imperfect tense
What is eras
every day
What is todos los días
the él, ella, ud. form of estudiar in the imperfect tense
What is estudiaba
the él, ella, ud. form of escribir in the imperfect tense
What is escribía
the imperfect tense of ir in the nosotros form
What is íbamos
every year
What is todos los años
the nosotros form of llevar imperfect tense
What is llevábamos
the nosotros from of vivir in the imperfect tense
What is vivíamos
the él, ella, ud. form of ser in the imperfect tense
What is era
What is a veces
almost never
casi nunca
the ellos, ellas, uds. form of dibujar in the imperfect tense
What is dibujaban
the ellos, ellas, uds. form of poner imperfect tense
What is ponían
the imperfect tense of ver in the yo form
What is veía
What is a menudo