What is the value of a penny?
One Cent
Who is the youngest student in our group?
Which teacher traveled to Japan over Winter Break?
Ms. Hetzke
Answers will vary
During which season do flowers start to grow?
Which coin is the smallest of all coins.
What languages does Anton speak?
Russian and Ukranian
Ullrich, Maher, Abreu, Hastings
What do you push at the grocery store to place your purchases in?
A cart
During which season might you go swimming at a pool or beach?
Which country was Yusuf born in?
Name all four Kindergarten Teachers
Rousakis, Sianis, Dahilig, Walsh
Yellow and Blue mixed together make what color?
How many quarters make a dollar?
Pick one person in your group to say all the months of the year in order.
Which teacher has a twin sister?
Ms. Williams
What does TTYL stand for?
Talk to you later
Name the four seasons.
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Name two different ways to make 50 cents.
5 dimes, 50 pennies, ten nickels, or different combinations.
Name three fifth graders in our group.
Humza, Victor, Yusuf
Mrs. Carlson and Ms. Guerra
What type of pet does Ms. Thomas have?
A shiba inu dog.