Word Meaning in Context
Figurative Language
Drawing Conclusions and Inferences
Author's Purpose
Does this paragraph show comparison or contrast? Two boys, equally naughty, came into my EL class. They both sat down and stared at me with their beady little eyes.
The circumstances
What does this word mean in context? The CONTEXT of the religious debates was current when the plays were written and performed.
when one thing is explicitly compared to another with the use of the words “like” or “as.” For example, “Mervin runs like a duck,” or “time is like a river.” What does the phrase “time is like a river” mean? It might mean that both life and a river wander a meandering path or that both life and a river go endlessly on. The meaning is up to you.
It can be inferred that the subject of the poem is a good friend.
Mending A giant hand inside my chest Stretches out and takes My heart within its mighty grasp And squeezes till it breaks. A gentle hand inside my chest, With mending tape and glue, Patches up my heart until It’s almost good as new. I ought to know by now that Broken hearts will heal again. But while I wait for glue and tape, The pain! The pain! The pain! by Judith Viorst
Joe had been fishing for over two hours without a single bite. Suddenly there was a nibble at the end of his fishing line. He stood up on the boat and leaned out too far. Just then there was a sharp yank on the line. Joe fell overboard and landed head first into the water. Joe and his friends laughed and laughed.
Which does this emphasize, comparison or contrast? Shirley and Jennifer had a good relationship. They were seen walking to class everyday, they both excelled at school. Unfortunately, Shirley knew a dark secret; Jennifer was really a vampire! They would never truly be alike.
A radioactive element
What is the meaning of the word used in context? The new fuel for nuclear power station generation is called THORIUM, this is replacing Uranium to cause the atomic reaction that makes electricity
when one thing is compared to another without the use of the words “like” or “as.” For example, the metaphor “life is a game.” What does that mean? That life has its winners and losers? That it has rules? Again it’s up to you. And a lot depends on the context in which the metaphor is used. Here is another example: “pulling the rug out from under someone” means to undermine him or her; “don’t change horses in the middle of the stream” means that you shouldn’t change your mind once you’ve started doing something. People use metaphors all the time and sometimes they mix them up. “This is no time to pull the rug out in the middle of the stream” is a prime example of what’s called a “ mixed metaphor.”
He was being fired.
“Larry, as your boss, I must say that it’s been very interesting working with you,” Miss Valdez said. “However, it seems that our company’s needs and your performance style are not well matched. Therefore, it makes me very sad to have to ask you to resign your position effective today.”
Trees are wonderful, they provide us with paper, syrup, oxygen, and a forest to shade us.
Which is this an example of comparison or contrast? China and Canada, they seem like they are almost different worlds; however, they have much in common. Both are populated with a caring group of people who consider others before themselves.
hot and humid weather
What is the word meaning in context? It was a sultry day. The day was very hot and humid, if you moved at all you would break out in a sweat.
the use of words to create a mental picture of something. For example, if you read the words “the sea was calm,” you create a calm sea in your imagination.
Turner had heard a weather forecast that predicted rain.
Turner almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning.
Buying the new slice-o-matic will be the best decision you ever make, the new slice-o-matic will cut 100 tomatoes at the same time! Just call this number and give us your credit card information.
Chris and David didn't look like brothers, except with some trick of light or flicker of some transient thought. Even sleep, without the eyes imposing their definition on the other features, they had no feature alike...
Many different kinds of something
What is the word meaning in context? Why do we have such a PLETHORA of boxes and cereal on the shelves? In contrast we have a real shortage of pancake and waffle mix.
the use or formation of words that sound like what they describe: “hum,” “gurgle,” “rustle,” “hiss” and “cackle” would be good examples.
It must me a hot day because her ice cream is melting, and she is sweating.
The child stood on the sidewalk clenching her ice cream cone. Beads of sweat collected on her little nose as she furiously licked at the ice cream dripping down her hand.
Wolf paws are able to tread easily on a wide variety of terrains, especially snow. There is a slight webbing between each toe..
Which does this show, comparison or contrast? Between Brian and his younger brother existed a casual relationship which the older boy contributed a careless patronage, and Bobbie for the most part, an easy going fondness relieved now and then by sudden and deeper flashes of feeling...
a prickly scrambling vine or shrub, especially a blackberry or other wild shrub of the rose family.
What is the word meaning in context? When Sara was hiking, she accidentally walked through a patch of BRAMBLES, prickly vines, and shrubs, which resulted in many scratches to her legs.
– the attribution of personality to an impersonal thing. For example, “England expects every man to do his duty” – Lord Nelson
The woman may not have enough money to cover the cost of her groceries.
The woman waited nervously in line. When the counter was empty, she carefully unloaded her items from her cart. Lines creased her forehead as if to show the calculations ringing up in her head. Finally, the cashier began ringing up the items as the woman clutched her purse.
After more than a decade of conservation efforts and millions of federal dollars, wolves are finally returning to the northern Rockies. The Bush administration has announces that it will remove wolves from the endangered species list. We need to tell congress that we oppose president Bush's plan!