Acting Emotions
2-person scenes
Mute Acting
Genres of Theatre

Express anger 

the audience will cheer, if they enjoyed it in 3..2..1


tell me about your day.

[the most dramatic share wins].

boy meets girl, and wants to go get ice cream. Convince her to go, with emotion: desperate, hungry, in love, excited, etc. (30s)

Must use full time. Must show need to get ice cream. Must show emotion.


smile with only your eyes.

does the audience see it? Is it actually a smile with your eyes?


you'd laugh at this genre: Jumanji, Kevin Hart, and Grown Ups are all related.



express a genuine joy

if the class believes your joy, then they will applaud in 3..2..1


you can't stand up. There's a war occurring outside. tell us about the apocalypse that's outside without fully standing up. (30 seconds)

Must tell an apocalypse related story, cannot stand up, and must use 30 seconds


a car drive between best friends. (30s)

Must show emotion. Must show best friendship. Must use time.


Convey anger with only body movement. No sounds or words

Does the audience approve? Applause in 3..2..1.


this branch of theatre involves singing, acting, and dancing. Think of Aladdin, Jellicle Ball, Lion King, etc

Broadway/Musicals/Musical Theatre, are all acceptable answers.


express disappointment, using a scenario made by audience

if they enjoy your scene, then the audience will clap in 3..2..1


lip sync your favorite song with DRAMATIC emotion

audience... thoughts?


a sensitive talk with a parent: puberty, leaving home for college, bringing a friend over, etc.

Must choose a prompt. Must show emotion, and convey sensitivity.


you are a teacher. Get the class silent without words.

Were you successful in your attempt? Audience applause in 3...2..1..


The Ring, Scream, Chucky, and How to Get Away with Murder all have this in common.

Horror/Suspense/Thriller are all acceptable answers.


act out fear (there are a swarm of insects crawling on the floor)

did the audience enjoy it? 3..2..1.. [audience will clap, if so.]

You just received a call; you won a lottery and are now a gazillionaire. Express that joy around your family. (30s)

Must use full time. Must be clearly talking to family. Must reference money, somehow.


breaking up with your barber. The reason is of the group's choosing: new barber, becoming your own barber, bad haircuts, etc.

Must show need to break up with barber, with emotion.


you are a janitor, whose day was really hard. Mime him/her cleaning the room with emotion. (30s)

Must use emotion. Must use full time. Must attempt to clean, at least once.


interactive theater. Create your own prompt that engages with the audience to tell a story: teacher and students, pastor and congregation, individ & crowd, etc. (30 s)

Must use full time. Must show emotion. Prompt attempt must be guessed by audience in 3 tries.


act out an emotion of your own choosing

if the audience can guess your emotion (in 3 attempts, you receive points)


create your own monologue: a rant, a ted talk, what topic could you give an entire tour for (60s)

Must use full time. Must show emotion. Did the audience enjoy?


Of your own choosing. How can you play with another person's energy in a convincing way? (60s)

Must show emotion. Must utilize two characters. Must use full time.


pick a character/animal from a world of your choosing. Your success rests on the audience guessing correctly (30s)

Your winner is... audience can you give a round of applause in 3..2..1.


pick your favorite genre of theater/acting and have us guess it (charades) 60s

Did the audience guess your genre in time? Claps.. in 3..2..1..