Greek Heroes
Land of the Dead

Who is Agamemnon?

King of all the Greeks during the Trojan War


Odysseus makes a potion using what main ingredient to feed the ghosts of the dead?



What is a root word?

A root word is a part of a word that comes from a language like Greek or Latin, they each have a particular meaning and you can use them to decode difficult English words.


Where is Greece?

Southern Europe, in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Who was the greatest hero of the Trojan War? Odysseus meets him in the underworld where he asks about his father and son.


Odysseus meets the ghost of his mother. How did she die?

Of a broken heart from missing Odysseus :(


Adverbs are like adjectives but for verbs. They usually end with what two letter suffix?


"He ran quickly" "She sang beautifully"


What is the capital of Greece? Which god/goddess is it named after?

Genius 👑 question for 5 points: In this city there is a hill called the Acropolis, on top of it is one of the most famous temples in the world. What is that temple called?

Athens. Named after Athena

👑: The Parthenon


Odysseus meets Hercules in the underworld. Hercules tells Odysseus about a task he was sent into Hades for when he was still alive. Who/what was he sent to steal from Hades?

Cerberus, the 3 headed guard dog of Hades


Who is Odysseus sent specifically to meet in the underworld? His name (2), and why him (2)?

Tiresias the prophet.


What is an allusion?

a reference


The city of Troy is in the modern day country of Turkey. Where is Turkey?

Eastern Mediterranean

Helen of Troy is married to Agamemnon's brother Menelaus. What famous Greek city-state is he the King of?



Who is the author of The Odyssey?



What does the abbreviation "etc." mean (3)? When do you use it (2)?

It stands for et cetera--Latin for "and the rest"

You use it at the end of a list instead of going on and on. For example: "Mom went to the store to get flour, sugar, bananas, etc."


Where is Crete?

Big island to the south of Greece

Tell us the story of Oedipus

Oedipus is abandoned by his family to die due to his deformity, he grows up and eventually kills his own father (without knowing it), saves the city of Thebes from the Sphinx, and then marries his own mother to become King of the city. When she finds out she married and had kids with her own son she hangs herself. He finds her body and uses a pin from her dress to stab out his own eyes :)


In the underworld Odysseus watches three different people who are being tortured for eternity. Tell us about two of them and their punishments (you don't need to get their names--just their punishment)

The giant who tried to rape Leto is having his guts eaten by two vultures over and over again, Sisyphus is forced to push a big boulder up a cliff only for it to roll down again, and Tantalus is thirsty and starving but can't eat the fruit over his head or drink the water he's standing in.


What is verb tense?

When the action happened: past tense (in the past), present tense (happening now), future tense (will happen), etc.


The monster Typhon is buried under Mt. Etna in Sicily. Where is Sicily?

Island to the south east of Italy, the 'soccer ball' the boot is kicking