Personal Narrative
Figurative Langauge
Wild Card

An evidence-based guess based off of what you read. It can also be called reading between the lines

What is inference?

A story told in the first person, it usually tells the story about the author's life

What is a personal narrative


A literary device that uses words or phrases of effect (i.e. exaggeration or comedic), instead of their literal translation

What is figurative language


The message (or moral) you learn throughout a text, often about topics such as life family, or society 

What is theme


There, Their, or They're

I went over to _____ house yesterday

What is Their


When I get to work I pass out papers and set up a game for the kids to play. When everyone arrives, we read a story and discuss it. The bell rings and it is time for lunch. I correct some papers and prepare the next lesson. Who am I?

What is a teacher


The author and main character of "Fish Cheeks"

Who is Amy Tan

A figure of speech that is used to make a comparison, but does not use the words "like" or "as"

What is a metaphor 


True or False? Theme is always a moral about right and wrong.

What is false 

The narrative point of view that uses "I" or "we" to tell the story

What is first-person point of view?


Jaclyn was so excited about playing Fern in Charlotte's Web! However, when she woke up, she felt weak and her nose was runny. Her forehead felt warm and she was really tired. "Uh Oh!" she thought. What was Jaclyn feeling?

What is sick?


The conflict in "Jabari Unmasked"

What is person vs. self, person vs. society, or racism and discrimination 


A literary device where the writer uses figurative language to give human attributes to something non-human



The theme is often explored in stories involving friendship and loyalty, as seen in "Harry Potter"?

What is the theme of friendship?


The term for the turning point of a story, where the main conflict reaches its peak?

What is the climax?


Asia was riding home in the car with her mom after school. She could barely keep her eyes open. Her mom was talking to her about her day and asking her questions, but she hardly heard anything she said. How is Asia feeling?

What is sleepy/tired


The main character of "We Wear the Mask"

Who is Paul Laurence Dunbar


Identify the figurative language: "The hot chocolate warmed Zoe up like a fluffy blanket."

What is simile?


The central theme does the garden represent in "My Mother's Garden"?

What is the theme of growth and nurturing?


The term for the use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in the story?

What is foreshadowing?


I waited patiently for my dinner to be brought to the table. All of our food was carried over on a big, round tray. Lots of other families were eating dinner, also. Where am I?

What is a restaurant


True or False? The author is the main character of a personal narrative 

What is true 


In "We Wear the Mask", the author uses _______ to describe the mask

What is personification


DOUBLE JEOPARDY Why can a literary text or story have multiple theme's?

1. What is because people think differently 

2. What is a story may have more than one message


DOUBLE JEOPARDY A story that is passed down orally from generation to generation, often involving folklore or cultural beliefs?

What is a myth or folktale?