Main Idea
Context clues

Mary has a new pet.  Her pet is a baby kitten.  It is soft and cuddly.  The kitten likes to sleep a lot.  Mary put a soft blanket in a box for its bed.  Mary plays with her kitten when it is awake.  She never forgets to feed her kitten.
What is the main idea?

(A) The kitten sleeps a lot

(B) Mary's new pet is a kitten

(C) Mary plays with her kitten

(D) Mary wants a new pet

(B) Mary's new pet is a kitten


The VIGILANT guards stayed up all night to make sure no one came near the castle.

(A) disguised

(B) watchful

(C) superior

(D) youthful

(B) watchful


"I hate the idea of having all those people out there watching me...I just don't like it when I'm around so many people. I wish I just could hide somewhere," whispered Violet.
What can you infer about Violet?

(A) She is shy

(B) She hates people

(C) She wants to hide

(D) She wants to go outside and play

(a) she is shy


Fix the quotes in the sentence below:

Hey! What are you guys doing over there?" yelled Gustavo. 


"Hey! What are you guys doing over there?", yelled Gustavo. 


It was backward day at school.  The students had to do things backward.  Some of them wore their T-shirts backward.  They took a test before they studied the lesson.  Dessert was served first instead of last.  They tried to walk home backward, but they bumped into each other and fell down.  
What is the main idea?

(A) Dessert is supposed to come last

(B)  Students failed their test

(C) It is hard to do things backward

(D) The students had a backward day

(D) The students had a backward day


Pedestrians should look both ways before crossing the street. 

In the sentence above, what does PEDESTRIAN mean?

(A) walkers

(B) stoplights

(C) dogs

(D) stopwalk 

(A) walker


Nicole came out of the elevator in her apartment building. She ran to the curb and held up her arm to hail a taxi. When she hopped in, she said, “Please take me to 345 45th Street.”

A) Nicole's car is broken. 

B) Nicole is going on vacation.

C) Nicole is going shopping.

D) Nicole lives in a big city.

D) Nicole lives in a big city


Fix the quotes in the sentence below: 

I like to "play at John's incredible pizza," said Philip. 

"I like to play at John's Incredible Pizza," said Philip. 


I can't wait until this weekend! We’re going to my grandparents’ house and my entire family will be there. I will spend most of my time playing games with my cousins. We always have such a good time together! The day goes by so fast, and by the end we are all exhausted... but we still don’t want to leave!
What is the main idea?

(A) Weekends are times to travel 

(B) The author's grandparents live far away

(C) The author enjoys spending time with her family

(D) The author is sad to leave her cousins

(C) The author enjoys spending time with her family


I tried to make my dog fetch the ball, but she BALKED. 

(A) forgot

(B) slept

(C) refused

(D) leaped

(c) refused


It was raining outside. Sue got out of bed and got dressed for school. Then, she ate breakfast and grabbed her backpack.  Before Sue left the house, she probably ___________________.

A) got her sunglasses

B) made a sandwich

C) picked up her umbrella

D) Put on sandals

C) picked up her umbrella


Fix the quotes in the sentence below: 

Why are the Colts losing the football game?" asked Tywon. 

"Why are the Colts losing the football game?" asked Tywon. 


Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up, I noticed my brother Josh hung up a big sign that said,"Happy Birthday, Charles!" Mom made spaghetti for dinner.It's my favorite food in the whole world. My friend Dave came over and handed me a wrapped gift. I wondered what it was. It was a new basketball! I had a great day.
What is the main idea of this paragraph?

(A) Josh got lots of gifts

(B) Charles had a great birthday

(C) Charles got a lot of gifts

(D) Josh had a great birthday

(B) Charles had a great birthday


Ben is so APPREHENSIVE about appearing in the play that he has an upset stomach.

(A) thrilled

(B) modest

(c) bored

(d) nervous

(d) nervouse


Before the 1800's people didn't have right or left shoes.  They had shoes of just one shape that they used for both feet.  When people first saw right and left shoes, they laughed.  They called them "crooked shoes."  "What a silly idea," they said.  You can tell that shoes before 1800:

A) were pretty

B) didn't look alike

C) didn't fit very well

D) fit perfectly

C) didn't fit very well


Fix the quotes in the sentence below: 

Aumiya asked Why did "you kick my basketball across the street. 

Aumiya asked, "Why did you kick my basketball across the street?"