Author's Purpose
Point of View
Central Idea

A story that is funny, silly, or scary is trying to                you.



“Do you love candy?” I asked my friend Roxis. I always make friends with other people



Where is this happening?

 I sat on the bench while Mother and Punch went into the room. I was a little worried about Punch, but I knew that he would get good care. As I waited I watched a tiny puppy wander toward the lady with a cat in a crate. The lady at the desk talked to a man with who was buying medicine.

Vet office


Being a clown isn't all fun and games. Rodeo clowns expose themselves to great danger every time they perform. When cowboys dismount or bulls buck them off, rodeo clowns jump in front of the bulls and motion wildly to get their attention.

Rodeo clowns do not have a fun and entertaining job.


Degrade: Suzie’s mother taught her to never let anyone degrade her, so now she demands respect in all of her relationships.

treat or regard (someone) with contempt or disrespect


Grapes have been grown in California for more than 200 years. The tradition of viticulture (growing grapes) began in 1769 when Spanish friars established missions throughout California.



To Make French Toast: First, take out a skillet to cook and turn the stove on low. Second, you will melt the butter in the pan and stir it with a spatula. Third, beat the eggs. Fourth, lay the bread, white or wheat, on both sides in the eggs. Fifth, sit the bread on top of butter for 30 seconds and then turn over. Now you have a slice of French toast, repeat.



The room was dark and quiet. We heard Carl and his mother come in the front door talking. I heard two girls in the corner giggle nervously. Another girl told them to be quiet. I hid behind the table where the cake and presents were set out.  The tension in the room grew as we waited for them to open the door.

surprise party


Wolverines are medium sized mammals. They weigh no more than 50 lbs. However, they are very feared animals that have a very distinct hunting style. Rather than chasing down their prey, wolverines like to take their meal directly from the hunter. 

Wolverines have a unique hunting style that allows them to be feared despite their size. 


Sustain: It is difficult to sustain a smile when your whole world is falling apart.

strengthen or support physically or mentally.


Which are examples of texts designed to entertain? 

  1. dictionaries    6. comic strips
  2. plays
  3. textbooks
  4. biographies
  5. poems



When I went to the store, I witnessed a girl crying on the street and I took a closer look and saw it was my friend. I walked to where she was and asked her what was wrong. She said, “Family problems.” Being a good friend, I told her to call me later if she wanted to talk about it.



The line stretched forever. People put their bags on the floor and inched them forward. My father and I removed our shoes. There was an announcement about a gate change and a delay on an arrival from Chicago.

airport in the security line


Remember, if something is worth doing, it is worth doing correctly. That said, the key to making perfect cookies is merely a matter of preparation and precision. To begin with, read your cookie recipe thoroughly before baking.

It is very important to follow directions before you begin a recipe. 


Penitent: It is difficult to forgive someone who has hurt you, even if that person is penitent and expresses regret for their decisions.

regret for having done wrong; repentant.


Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks support a wide diversity of animal species, reflecting the range in elevation, climate, and habitat variety there. People should visit parks daily to explore this. Parks have many benefits for people looking to enjoy nature.



“You should just go somewhere. You ruined our relationship, and I don’t want to talk to you anymore,” Bertha said to Mitchell as he begged her for forgiveness, “But, Bertha, you are the best girl in the world. You make my dreams come true.” Bertha ignored his pleas.



I arrived early for my appointment. The place was busy and smelled of chemicals. I found a place to sit and wait. The lady next to me had a towel around her head. I heard a blow dryer in the distance. It was loud over the music that was playing.

hair salon


You might think that all automobile fuels are the same, but they aren't. Automobiles can run on one of three types of fuel: gasoline, diesel, and biodiesel. All these fuels are burned inside of the engine, which creates the heat and energy that is used to power the car.

Automobiles can run on gasoline, diesel, and biodiesel that power the car by creating heat and energy when burned inside the engine. 


Fretful: My mom always worries about my grades and the colleges that I’ll be able to attend, but if she were a little less fretful she’d be a lot more fun.

feeling or expressing distress or irritation


On a bad day, have you ever been irritable? Have you ever used a harsh tone or even been verbally disrespectful to your parents or teachers? Everyone has a short temper from time to time, but current statistics indicate that between 16 and 20 percent of a school’s population suffer from a psychological condition known as oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD.



Jessie had felt sad all day. Jessie thought and thought about his situation and he thought to himself, I need to get myself together. Maria came in the door and asked what was wrong. He told her. Maria frowned. She felt as if she were being abandoned by everyone.



As I entered the door, I thought this was a great way to end the day. The chalkboard menu had a list of specialties, like sundaes and banana splits. I looked at all the flavors.  Chocolate is my favorite, but peppermint sounded good, too. 

ice cream parlor


What's that humming sound? Could it be the hummingbird, the only bird capable of backward flight? Hummingbirds have many unique flight habits that distinguish them from other birds. Most birds flap their wings up and down to fly, but the hummingbird moves its wings forward and backward very rapidly in a figure eight pattern.

The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards and make a figure eight pattern. 


Frivolous: My mom wanted to get the red napkins for the party and my dad wanted the blue napkins, but I’m not even concerned about such frivolous things.

not having any serious purpose or value