I am a story about you and written by you!
What is an autobiography.
A person, place, thing or idea
What is a noun?
Defined as "To break it down..."
What is analyze?
Define trace...
What is to outline?
I am the dictionary definition of a word...
What is the denotation?
This "N" word is a synonym to "story".
What is a narrative?
Action or linking
What is a verb?
Defined as "to judge".
What is evaluate?
Define infer...
What is to read between the lines?
Words can have both negative and positive of these.
What are connotations?
A paragraph in the form of poetry is called...
What is a stanza?
I link the subject to the rest of the sentence...
What is a linking verb?
If you are asked to find how two things are alike, you are being asked to do what?
What is compare?
Define formulate...
What is to build and create?
"Her jewelry was cheap." <-- What is a positive way to say this?
What is "her jewelry was inexpensive."?
The moral to a story is also known as the....
What is theme?
She SAT the computer on the desk.
SAT is what part of speech?
What is an Action Verb?
Defined as "to think about the future"...
What is predict?
What are you being asked to do when you hear the word "describe"?
What is "tell me more"?
Which has a more positive connotation?
You could have done better on the test.
You could have done worse on the test.
What are the five parts (starter words) for writing a summary?
What are...
What is an adjective?
If you need to "back up" what you are saying with citations, you are providing....
What is support?
If you are asked to explain, you are answering what question word?
What is why?
Which is worth more? Something old or something antique.
Both words mean the same thing. Which is more true?
What is something antique?