Literary Elements
Figurative Lang
Reading Comp

What are the three types of rhetoric used to persuade audiences to feel, think, or act a certain way? Define them.

Ethos, Pathos, Logos


What is the term that describes the words defined at the bottom of the page of the text?


Order the topics from broadest to narrowest.

Political themes in George Orwell's Animal Farm

Political themes in English Literature

Similarities between the character Napoleon and the Russian dictator Stalin

Parallels between the Russian Revolution and George Orwell's Animal Farm

Political themes in English literature has the broadest scope. It is the most general.

Political themes in George Orwell's Animal Farm has a narrower scope. Animal Farm is one example of English literature with political themes.

Parallels between the Russian Revolution and George Orwell's Animal Farm has an even narrower scope. It focuses on one political theme in George Orwell's Animal Farm.

Similarities between the character of Napoleon and the Russian dictator Stalin has the narrowest scope. It focuses on one parallel between the Russian Revolution and Animal Farm.


Identify the figurative language used in the given phrase: 

Life is a stream / On which we strew / Petal by petal the flower of our heart;



Use context clues to identify the meaning of the bolded word.

Even my whispers reverberated off the walls, bouncing back to me so that I can hear myself clear as day.

be repeated several times as an echo.


Read the passage below and identify the theme of the text.

Barry liked playing board games, but he hated losing. He hated losing so much that he would do whatever it took to win, even bending or breaking the rules. He'd steal money from the bank and hide it under the couch cushions. He'd skip spaces while he was moving around the board. He'd shortchange others money that they were owed and argue with them about it. Barry's techniques were effective. He did win most of the games that he played, but the people whom he played with were his friends and family, and it didn't take too long until they caught on to Barry's tricks. They tried to tell Barry to stop cheating. They said that the game wasn't any fun when he cheated, but he didn't listen. He continued with his treacherous style of gameplay, until nobody would play with him anymore. Barry may have won a lot of games, but at what cost?

Winning is not everything and cheaters never prosper.


What are the five types of text structure? 

In writing an article on how to overcome the obstacles faced when hiking Mount Everest, which text structure would best convey the topic?

1. Cause and Effect, Compare and Contrast, Sequence/Chronological, Problem and Solution, Description

2. Problem and Solution


Write a thesis statement on the provided prompt:

Write a multi-paragraph response in which you make and support a claim about whether or not organic foods are worthwhile. Your response must be based on ideas and information that can be found in the passages.

Answers will vary.


Identify the two correct multiple meanings of the bolded figurative language below:

[39] “Do you think we’re getting noticeably better?” Tristan asks plaintively.

[40] “Of course,” Toby says, but hears his voice sounding less than convinced. It’s a good question: are they better? They seem to have plateaued. Guitar Choir began nine years ago, beginning as a sort of therapy for him after the Paris incident. 

[41] “Because this is the highpoint of my week,” Tristian says.

[42] Everyone chimes agreement. 

[43] Toby feels something melt inside of him.

  1. Toby feels worn down after experiencing many challenges with the Guitar Choir

  2. Toby feels appreciated by the musicians’ comments about how much they enjoy the Guitar Choir.


Read the passage below and make the following inferences:

Every day after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up the stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said.

1. What type of job does Paul do?

2. Describe Alice.

3. What relationship do Paul and Alice have?


Identify the irony used in the passage below and it's provided purpose.

Garrett has always liked Lucy, but Lucy has always thought Garrett was annoying and unattractive. One day, Lucy comes home to find an eviction notice on her door. Apparently, her roommate had been spending the rent money that Lucy was giving her on other things. Lucy only has 24 hours to get all her stuff over to her mom’s house, and Lucy doesn’t even have a car. But Garrett has a truck. So Lucy calls up Garrett and asks him how he’s doing. She tells him that she’s always thought he was funny, and that they should hang out sometime. Garrett thinks that Lucy has finally come around is beginning to like him. He also thinks that his jokes are funny because she is laughing after everything that he says

Dramatic Irony-- Readers know that Lucy does not like Garrett, but Garrett does not know. This creates suspense for readers and characterizes Lucy.


What is the text structure shown below?

American soldiers during the Revolutionary War suffered horrible conditions to win independence. You can experience some of these conditions by eating the same food that soldiers ate at Valley Forge: fire cake. Fire cake is a horrible tasting blob of burnt gluten. To make some first mix flour with water until you get thick, damp dough. Then, form it into a cake and in your palms. Put this doughy lump on a greased cookie sheet and bake it until it is brown. This will be very similar to the awful fire cakes that American soldiers ate at Valley Forge. Enjoy!



What would an essay outline look like for a prompt that asks you to make and support a claim on if art in high school is valuable.

Be sure to include a thesis and topic sentences for each body paragraph.

Answers will vary, but one body paragraph will discuss similarities while the other discusses differences.


What does the allusion in this text suggest?

Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.

I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run.

—Taylor Swift, "Love Story"

What does the metaphor in this text suggest?

All religions, arts, and sciences are branches of the same tree.

—Albert Einstein

Answers will vary


A nutritionist is outlining a presentation about sugar. Read the piece of information in each row, then select the section where it fits best.

History, Popularity, Effects on Health

1. The first crystallized sugar was produced in India over sixteen hundred years ago

2. European explorers like Christopher Columbus brought sugarcane plants to America in 1400s.

3. The average human consumes over one hundred pounds of sugar a year

4. Studies have shown that consuming too much sugar can cause heart problems and obesity.

History, History, Popularity, Effects


Identify the following:

1. Conflict

2. Point of view

3. Explain how the point of view and conflict help develop the theme of the passage. 

Derek swung his backpack over his shoulder as he stepped out of the cab. He walked toward the airport with a bit of -what – nervousness? He stood before the security line and had his barcode scanned. DEREK BENERI the screen read, as information from his birth certificate flashed. But instead of entering the security line, Derek turned back and headed for the bathrooms. Once inside, he changed his shirt and put on his hat. He wasn’t sure if his plan would work, but what choice did he have? The government was tracking his every move. He ducked out of the airport.

1. Person vs Self

2. 3rd Limited

3. The theme trickery can lead to discontent is best developed through Derek's internal conflict. Derek's questioning at the end of the passage shows that he deception of others is hurting him.


List at least 5 types of text features. Consider all portions and areas surrounding a text.

Answers will vary including: index, footnotes, title, subheading, pictures, bolded words


What are the main differences between a synthesis and argumentative essay? Consider all parts of the essay in your response.

Provide an example thesis statement for each essay type.

Thesis statement-- picks a side with reasons to support opinion

Body paragraphs-- 3

Body paragraph 3-- counterclaim and rebuttal

Answers will vary.


Identify all types of figurative language:

The Dawn’s awake!
   A flash of smoldering flame and fire
Ignites the East. Then, higher, higher,
   O’er all the sky so gray, forlorn,
The torch of gold is borne. 

The Dawn’s awake!
  The dawn of a thousand dreams and thrills.
And music singing in the hills
   A pæen of eternal spring
Voices the new awakening. 

The Dawn’s awake!
     Whispers of pent-up harmonies,
With the mingled fragrance of the trees;
     Faint snaches of half-forgotten song—
Fathers! Torn and numb,—
   The boon of light we craved, awaited long,
Has come, has come!

Personification, Hyperbole, Metaphor


Use context clues to determine the three unfamiliar words.

partake: Joshua did not want to partake in bullying the new kid because he had once been a new student himself and he remembered how hard it was to adjust.

torrid: The bearded man sweated as he crawled through the torrid desert.

subside: After his outburst, Raphael decided to stay outside of the classroom until his feelings of rage subsided.

Answers will vary


How does the character's dialogue or actions develop the story?

What mood is created? Cite textual evidence using context clues.

I knew that this was going to be my ending, my eternal ending. I closed my eyes and prepared for the gigantic waves to swallow me. But to my surprise, nothing came. Instead, I felt myself being pulled up, up, up. I opened my eyes and saw to my surprise Markus! My jaw dropped, not expecting to see him since he told me he would never come back to this island, but yet here he was! Hereto help me– no, save me!

The character is acting this way because it helps to move the plot forward. Since the main character is no longer going to die, the story will be able to continue.


Identify the central idea and author's purpose.

You might think that all automobile fuels are the same, but they aren't. Automobiles can run on one of three types of fuel: gasoline, diesel, and biodiesel. All these fuels are burned inside of the engine, which creates the heat and energy that is used to power the car. But there are important differences between these fuels. Gasoline and diesel are more common than biodiesel. But each burns differently. Diesel fuel is heavier and less flammable than gasoline, so it has to be compressed before it will burn. Gasoline may be lighter than diesel, but both fuels are made from crude oil. On the other hand, biodiesel fuel is made from vegetables. Both biodiesel and diesel fuels must be burned in diesel engines, which only use diesel fuel. If gasoline is pumped into a diesel engine, it will have to be pumped out. These fuels may look pretty similar at the gas station, but remember that there are important differences between them or it may cost you.

To inform. Though gasoline, diesel, and biofuels are all fuels, they are different and it is important to know that.


What would an essay outline look like if you were asked to analyze the impact of the invention of the wheel using information from two passages?

Be sure to include a thesis and topic sentences for each body paragraph.

Answers will vary.


What is assonance known as? Where can it most frequently be found? (HINT: it is often paired with alliteration)

Assonance is the repetition of vowel letters or vowel sounds. It is most often found in poetry.


What do the following bolded words mean in context? Paraphrase the paragraph.

The secret CIA mission was supposed to be clandestine but it was spoiled by the brazen new employee. He tripped and fell, dropping his CIA badge on the ground, while under cover in the Mafia. His mission was automatically a failure once it was conspicuous that he was a part of the investigation. 

kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit. 

bold and without shame

standing out so as to be clearly visible.