Key Vocab
Arguments & Claims
Central Idea/ Theme
In argumentative writing, the writer's position on a debatable issue or problem is called...

A claim


For this question, please refer to "Community Service in Franklinton Schools":

In paragraph 2, how does the speaker support the claim that primary education helps students succeed?

She provides a real-world example (She supports the claim with an example of how primary education prepares students for college- 2nd sentence). 


For this question, please refer to "Community Service in Franklinton Schools":

What essential element is missing in this summary of the speech?: Angela Lu, a mother of three children in the Franklinton School District addresses the Director of the Board.

The specific concern/reason why Mrs. Lu is speaking to the Board. (This summary is missing the main point of the speech.)


For this question, please refer to "The U.S. Interstate System":

What are TWO central ideas of paragraphs 1 & 2:

A) It took many years to get the U.S. interstate system constructed. 

B) The U.S. interstate system was modeled after highways in Europe. 

C) The U.S. interstate system is a direct result of Eisenhower’s efforts. 

D) It was difficult to get approval to start constructing the U.S. interstate system. 

E) The U.S. interstate system would not exist if Eisenhower were never President.

A and C


What change, if any, is necessary in the following sentence?

By the time the event was over, thousands of boxes were ready to ship to people effected by the hurricanes.

By the time the event was over, thousands of boxes were ready to ship to people AFFECTED by the hurricanes.


In informational writing, it' essential to maintain a(n) _______ perspective, a viewpoint that is undistorted by emotion or personal bias.



For this question, please refer to "Community Service in Franklinton Schools":

The speaker makes several claims in paragraph 2. Which claim offers no sufficient evidence?

There is nothing more important to learn than community service. (4th sentence)


For this question, please refer to "The U.S. Interstate System":

What is the purpose of the first sentence in this passage?

To inform readers of the topic of the writing OR to help readers connect to the importance of the topic


For this question, please refer to "The U.S. Interstate System":

Provide one reason why this is NOT a good summary of the passage: The U.S. interstate system is a success because it includes 50,000 miles of highways to connect the cities of the country. Interstate 90 is the longest highway, running from Seattle to Boston for 3,000 miles. The federal government established the system, but states manage and maintain it. They do their best to protect an important part of America.

This summary includes the key ideas of paragraph 4 only, and it adds details that are not important to the overall meaning of the text, such as the information about Interstate 90.


What change, if any, is necessary in the following sentence?

We ran a well-organized efficient station!

We ran a well-organized, efficient station!

(Comma in between the two adjectives, well-organized and efficient)


This is a two-part answer:

A ___ is a universal message that can be taken away from a story, often expressed as a general statement about life

A ___ is the most important point that an author makes about a topic in a text.


Central Idea


For this question, please refer to "Community Service in Franklinton Schools":

Identify the sentence from Paragraph 4 that best supports the claim that schools can help students learn to be valuable members of the community.

"Students can tutor a younger student in math or help ESL students practice their English conversation skills." (4th sentence)


For this question, please refer to "The U.S. Interstate System":

Which detail should be included in the summary of the passage?

A. The interstate system helped businesses grow and improved commerce.

B. People started living in the suburbs because of the interstate system.

C. Eisenhower is sometimes called “the father of the U.S. Interstate.”

D. Dwight Eisenhower was the 34th president of the United States.



For this question, please refer to "The U.S. Interstate System":

How does the author of the passage develop the central ideas?

A. by discussing what life would have been like without an interstate system

B. by comparing the U.S. interstate system to other highway systems

C. by describing the origin and evolution of the interstate system

D. by explaining why the U.S. interstate system is so large



This question requires a two part answer:

_______ is an idea or feeling that a word suggests in addition to its literal or primary meaning. ________ is the literal or dictionary definition of a word.

Connotation and denotation


This verb means "to examine the parts of something in detail", or examining something closely to figure out it's deeper meaning or how/why it is important.



For this question, please refer to "Community Service in Franklinton Schools":

In the last paragraph, what sentence supports the claim that schools should include at least one community-service project per semester?

"Just imagine that the boost to our community as a whole if the schools got our vibrant students actively involved in helping our less fortunate neighbors in need" (2nd sentence)


For this question, please refer to "Maui Finds Fire":

Provide two critiques of this summary:  Maui likes to cause mischief. One night, he puts out the fires that everyone makes. His mother sends him to find the keeper of the fire as punishment. She gives him the power of fire. He puts out the fire and asks for more, over and over again. Finally, she gives him a great fire that only the gods can put out with a rainstorm.

The summary provides unimportant details from the beginning of the story and omits important details about Maui’s experience with Mahuika and the ending of the story. It also has a confusing use of pronouns. 


Which sentence states a theme of “Maui Fishes for Land”?

A. A desperate situation can cause someone to make mistakes.

B. Through practice, a group of people can learn to work as one unit.

C. Without caution, curiosity can lead a person into a dangerous situation.

D. Sometimes, people need help from others in order to accomplish a goal.



Textual evidence is details from the text that a reader can use to support his or her ideas and opinions about the text. 

What are the TWO ways in which evidence can be incorporated into a written response?

Directly quoting the text and paraphrasing (summing up what large portions of the text say in your own words)

This is a two-part question and both responses start with D:

In argumentative writing, the topic should be ________, meaning a subject should be open for discussion or have different angles in which the topic can be viewed. 

In argumentative writing, it's crucial to ______ each point clearly, ensuring that the reader can follow the logical progression of your argument.




For this question, please refer to "Community Service in Franklinton Schools":

Identify one counterclaim the speakers uses in her speech (give the paragraph # and specific sentence).

"Some people might argue that teaching such values should be left to the students' families or be 'taught at home.'"

"Other might say that school curriculums are already too full or too demanding of young people."


What is the DIFFERENCE between paraphrasing and summarizing?

Paraphrasing is restating an ENTIRE passage from a text in your own words. Summarizing is stating the MOST IMPORTANT ideas, events, and details in your own words.


In “Maui Snares the Sun,” Maui’s mother has difficulty finishing her work because of the sun. This motivates Maui to take steps to snare the sun and force it to move more slowly through the sky.

What is the overarching theme of this story?

People sometimes go to great lengths to help the ones they love. 


The conflict is the main problem or struggle in a work of literature.

_____ is the first event in which the conflict becomes apparent.

Inciting incident or catalyst