Literary Terms
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What is a SIMILE?
A comparison between 2 things using like or as. Example : "My hair is as soft as silk."
similarity or comparability
What is SYMBOL?
A person, place or thing that stands for an idea or a concept. Example: a white dove symbolizes "peace."
What should you do the night before and the morning of the CAHSEE?
You should have a good night sleep and eat breakfast in the morning. *Make sure you are well rested and you are not hungry before the test. This will allow you to focus on the test.
What are the 3 parts of an essay?
The introduction, the body and the conclusion
Giving human qualities to something that is not real. Example: "The door reached out and hit me!"
something suggested or implied by a word or thing, rather than being explicitly named or described
Providing hints at what will happen in the future. Example: "The man left his home town in the middle of the night. He ran as fast as he could and without looking back." When we read this, we are given a hint that the man is hiding something or perhaps did something wrong.
Name an important strategy you will use while reading long passages?
Talking to the Text! It is very important that you talk to the text as you read long passages. Making predictions, analyzing, infering, and looking for main ideas will help you understand the material better. Your notes will also make it easier for you to look for information as you answer the multiple choice questions.
What is a THESIS and is it necessary?
A THESIS is absolutely NECESSARY! Your thesis should be arguable. It must state your opinion plus 3 reasons to support your opinion. The thesis will be the LAST SENTENCE in your INTRODUCTORY paragraph.
What is Imagery?
The use of words to create vivid mental images or pictures in the reader's head. Example: The lady was wearing bright pink pants, a bright orange tank top and a diamond studded top hat.
What is interpretation?
an explanation of the meaning of another's artistic or creative work
In a story, who is the PROTAGONIST?
The main charcter in a story or play, the character who is at the center of the story; often the "good guy." Example: Batman is the protagonist in the Batman movie.
As you answer multiple choice questions, what strategies should you use?
Process of elimination. Eliminate all answers that you know are wrong; doing so will increase your chances of getting the question right.
What should you do before you begin writing your essay?
OUTLINE! You must outline your thoughts before you write your essay. Outlining will help you organize your ideas and make it easier for you to write a great essay! Example: I. Thesis II- IV. Topic sentence, Example, Explain, Concluding sentence. V. Conclusion
What is a METAPHOR?
A comparision between two things without using a connector, such as "like" or "as." Ex. "You are my sunshine."
What is the difference between LITERAL and FIGURATIVE meaning?
Literal meaning is the dictionary definition of the word. Figurative meaning is an imaginative use of a word meaning somehting different form its simple dictionary definition. Example: "The comedian died on stage." The literal meaning is that the comedian stopped living while he was on stage.The figurative meaning is that the comedian was not funny on stage.
What is tone?
The authors attitude.
What should you do when you read the essay prompt?
Read the prompt CAREFULLY. The test will often have the important word in ALL CAPITALS. Think about what it asks you to do BEFORE creating an outline.
How many major ideas should you write about in one paragraph?
ONE! Remember, you will list your three arguments in your THESIS. Each body paragraph should focus on only ONE idea. Remember to include specific examples and EXPLAIN how your examples support your thesis.
What is onomatopoeia?
Words that are written for sounds.
to communicate; make known
What is THEME?
A general observation about life or human nature expressed through a work of literature. Examples of themes include, "Loyalty will always be rewarded" and "Good things come to those that wait.
What is the most important thing you should do when taking the CAHSEE?
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Believe that you will pass the test. See yourself opening up the envelope of test results and receiving a passing score. You will pass if you believe you can.
What should you do as you write your essay?
Please make sure that you are using correct puctuation, check that your sentences make sense, check spelling, and be sure to write NEAT! Remember, you may have brilliant ideas, but if the person grading it can't read it then you will not get the score you deserve.