What the kid liked to play
What is "Red Chief"?
To persuade nicely
What is coax?
Hint of things to come
What is foreshadowing?
This Dress Up replaces a weak one
What is a strong verb?
Aedan's biggest fear
What is his father?
What the kid first did to Bill
What is throw a rock at him?
Structure meant to hold up buildings like the U.S. Capitol.
What is a pillar?
Comparison of two things
What are simile/metaphor?
A clause added to describe a person or a thing
What is a who/which clause?
Aedan is this age at the beginning of the book
Kidnapper who almost got scalped
Who is Bill?
To spend recklessly or prodigiously
What is squander?
What is bildungsroman?
These words tell us how something is being done
What are -ly adverbs?
This man is Aedan's unlikely mentor
Who is Fergal?
What is Summit?
Hardworking person who cares about his work
What is diligent?
A word that sounds like the noise it makes
What is Onomatopoeia?
The words represented by www.asia.wub
Who is the Ancient?
Amount of money the kidnappers first asked for
What is $2,000?
What is audacious?
Reference in literature, movies and memes to a myth, Bible story, a historical event or a famous person
What is an allusion?
Words such as go/went, see/saw, say/said, look/see
What is banned?
Character who was deadly accurate with a peashooter.
Who was peashot?
Amount of money the kidnappers had to pay
What is $250?
To spend prodigiously, wastefully
What is squander?
Words or events that are the opposite of what is said or expected
What is irony?
Before writing, writers should make one of these to help order their thoughts
What is a keyword outline?
Territory where strange creatures live and Aedan awakes a gigantic snake.
What is Khultum?