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What does the word arduous mean in the following sentence? "After the hurricane, people faced the arduous task of repairing their storm-damaged home." A. smelly B. cheap C. difficult
C. difficult
"Chelsea sat nervously at her desk. When the tests were passed out, she nibbled on the end of her pencil. She glanced around to see how other students were doing on the test. Most of them were already writing answers. Chelsea read the first question on her test and broke out into a cold sweat." From this paragraph, you can infer: A. Chelsea wasn't feeling well. B. Chelsea didn't feel confident about the test. C. Chelsea was the last in her class to complete the test.
B. Chelsea didn't feel confident about the test.
This word means not polite.
If you like spy stories, you will enjoy the story of Dr. William Passmore. During the Civil War, he dressed in rags and pretended to be a poor beggar. He wandered through Union camps selling fruits and vegetables from a cart. No one suspected that Passmore was a spy, and he was able to gather lots of important information. Everything he learned went directly to the rebel army. The Main Idea is: A. Passmore spied for the Rebel Army. B. Passmore spied for the Union Army. C. Passmore was a fruit and vegetable salesman.
A. Passmore spied for the Rebel Army.
Carly, Tanya, and Ashley are trying to decide where to go for lunch. They could go to Sam's Snack Shop, which serves sandwiches and salads; they could go to Dena's Diner, which serves burgers, hot dogs, and fries; or they could go to Patty's Place, which serves tacos and burritos. Carly wants a cheeseburger or a roast beef sandwich. Tanya wants a hog dog and fries. Ashley wants a sandwich or a hamburger. Where should they go to lunch?
Dena's Diner.
Choose the best word to complete this sentence: "When the Mayfield Tigers ______ over the Springdale Warriors, the citizens of Mayfield celebrated for a month." A. lost B. triumphed C. fought
B. triumphed
"Millions of acres of tropical rain forest have been destroyed. Many animals and people lose their homes when the rain forest is cut down. Today, people are destroying the forests so quickly that the animals are unable to adapt. Many of these animals, such as the leopard, need miles and miles of untouched rainforest in order to live." From this paragraph, you can infer: A. The destruction of rain forests is hurting animals. B. The destruction of rain forests is speeding up. C. The destruction of rain forests is slowing down.
A. The destruction of rain forests is hurting animals.
This word means not honest.
Different units of measurement are used to measure weight. Depending on the object being measured, you may use ounces, pounds, or tons. These units make calculating weight easy. To measure the weight of small, light objects, like a feather, you use ounces. To measure the weight of heavier objects, like a person, you use pounds. For very heavy objects, like a truck, you use tons. What is the main idea? A. We use ounces, pounds, and tons to measure length. B. Ounces are used to measure lightweight objects. C. We use different units of measurement to calculate weight.
C. We use different units of measurement to calculate weight.
Dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago. The rise of dinosaurs began during the Triassic Period. The Jurassic Period was known as the age of the ruling and huge dinosaurs. The Cretaceous Period was when there were more dinosaurs than ever before, including Tyrannosaurous rex and triceratops. By the end of this period, dinosaurs became extinct. According to this paragraph, when would you see the most dinosaurs?
The Cretaceous Period.
Choose the best word to complete this sentence: "Mattie thought there were fish under their boat, but it was hard to see anything in the ____ water." A. fresh B. clear C. murky
C. murky
"A rainbow is formed by sunlight hitting water droplets in the sky. The water splits the white sunlight into a full spectrum of bright colors! To see a rainbow, there needs to be a lot of sunlight. You must have your back to the sun, and the sun must be low in the sky. The next time you see a rainbow, notice how bright the sunshine is." From this paragraph, you can infer that: A. Only people with perfect eyesight can see rainbows. B. Rainbows only appear in the morning. C. Most rainbows are seen after a storm is over.
C. Most rainbows are seen after a storm is over.
This word means without hope.
A bumblebee colony often contains between 50,00 and 60,000 bees! The colony usually has one queen bee, hundreds of drones, and thousands of worker bees. The worker bees are appropriately named because they spend their lives gathering food for the colony and taking car of the baby bees. However, the queen bee has only one role: to lay eggs. She lays over 2,000 eggs every day. What is the main idea? A. Bees live in large hives. B. Bee colonies contain different bees with different jobs. C. Queen bees lay 2,000 eggs each day.
B. Bee colonies contain different bees with different jobs
The first general-purpose computer was sold in the late 1940's. This electronic machine took up several rooms' worth of floor space. By the end of the 1960's, huge improvements were made, and the use of transistors enable the size of computers to decrease. Computers today are much more compact than ever. Inventors from year's past would be amazed to see how computers have changed. According to this paragraph, what helped computers come down in size?
What does "competent" mean in the following sentence? "Dr. Grace examined the injured bird. Her competent hands moved gently a she checked for broken bones. A. clumsy B. skillful C. cold
B. skillful
"In England in Shakespeare's time, going to the theater was a popular activity. To let people know what kind of play was being performed, the theater raised a colored flag. A black flag meant tragedy, a white flag meant comedy and a red flag meant history. People passing by the theater on Saturday afternoons always heard a lot of laughter." What color flag was flown on Saturdays? A. Red B. Black C. White
C. White
This word means to behave badly.
Carlos' puppy is named Tess, and she jumps on everyone who comes over the house. She chews up shoes, digs holes in the garden and shreds the newspaper. Carlos can't even eat breakfast without pouncing in his lap. To make things worse, Tess chases the mailman out of the yard every time he comes to drop off the mail. It's time to take Tess to obedience school! What is the main idea? A. Tess is a playful puppy. B. Tess chases the mailman away. C. Tess is a mischievous puppy.
C. Tess is a mischievous puppy.
Jenna loves animals, and she earns extra money by taking care of pets in the neighborhood. On Monday, Jenna will give Mr. Smith's dog a bath. On Tuesday, Jenna will clean the rabbit and hamster cages at Mrs. Clark's house. On Wednesday and Thursday, Jenna will feed the 3 birds at her next-door neighbor's house. Over the weekend, she will take her own dog for a walk. On what day will Jenna be cleaning cages?
What does the "gaunt" mean in the following sentence? "After years in the desert, the old miner's face was gaunt. His ragged clothes hung loosely on his bony arms and legs." A. tired B. very thin C. plump
B. very thin
Kayla called her best friend to come out and play. "Remember to bring your mitt and bat. And wear something you don't mind getting dirty," she told her. "And you may want to bring along a cap because it's really sunny today." What is Kayla inviting her friend to do? A. Play soccer B. Go shopping C. Play softball
C. Play softball
This word means not able to be like.
Harriet Tubman escaped slavery and became an important part of the Underground Railroad. Like many other conductors and agents, Harriet learned to be brave and cunning in order to bring other slaves to safety. She became so good at helping slaves escape that large rewards were offered for her capture. She helped over 300 slaves to freedom, and she was never caught! What is the main idea? A. Harriet Tubman escaped slavery B. Harriet Tubman helped many slaves to freedom. C. Harriet Tubman was never captured.
B. Harriet Tubman helped many slaves to freedom.
In the United States, the national government is divided into three branches. The judiciary branch consists of courts and judges. It decides what is lawful. The executive branch executes and carries out the laws. The president is the head of the executive branch. The legislative branch makes the laws and is made up of members of the Senate and House of Representatives. All three branches work together for the welfare of our nation and to keep our citizens safe. Which branch is responsible for making the laws?