A simile uses key words ____ and ____
"She is as fast as a cheetah."
"He is like a wise owl."
Like, as
There once was a girl
Who wanted to twirl
She sang all her blues away
How many lines are in this poem?
What are the three types of author's purposes?
How does a caption help a photograph or illustration?
It tells you what the photo or illustration is about.
The theme is the ____ of the story.
Lesson or morale
"My sister is a fish."
What type of figurative language?
What does it really mean?
It means my sister really likes swimming.
What is a stanza?
A section or group of lines, similar looking to a paragraph
What is an author doing when they inform you?
The author is giving you facts and details about a topic. It is usually to teach you about something.
What does a heading do?
What can you infer from the following scenario?
You see your neighbor packing boogie boards, colorful towels, a large umbrella, and snorkels.
Where is your neighbor going?
When something is exaggerated.
"It is so hot in here I could melt."
Beautiful blue birds
Singing high in the tree tops
Fluttering their wings
What type of poem is this?
What is an author doing when they entertain you?
The author is writing something to make you laugh or enjoy a story.
What type of text structure would use a timeline or list of steps?
Chronological Order
Amy huffed and stomped away from the soccer field noisily. When she got to the changing room, she kicked off her shoes violently and one of them hit the wall, leaving a muddy print.
What can you infer about how Amy is feeling?
She is angry about something from her soccer game.
"Two peas in a pod"
"A bull in a china shop"
"Raining cats and dogs"
Are examples of....
Which type of poem(s) rhyme(s)?
Free verse, Limerick, Rhymed Verse, Haiku
Rhymed verse
Sometimes limerick (Lines 1, 2, 5)
What is an author doing when they persuade you?
The author is trying to convince you to believe something and/or agree with their opinion.
"The tornado was coming towards their town, which was a big problem for the community. They prepared to shelter in their basements. After the storm was over, the community saw the damage. They wanted to work together and come up with a way to clean up the mess."
What type of text structure could this be?
Problem and Solution
How does a reader determine a theme of a story?
Choose one:
Make an inference
Personification is when...
A writer gives an object or animal person-like traits.
There once was a young man from Flint
Who worked at the circus a stint
He flew threw the air
With hardly a care,
And that's why his body's all bint.
What type of poem is this?
-5 lines
1, 2, 5 rhyme
3, 4 rhyme
Give an example of each type of purpose
-P: opinion writing, article
I: magazines, newspapers
E: books like Diary of a Wimpy Kid
"Coral reefs are being damaged from sunblock and trash being thrown into our ocean. The effect of the sunblock and garbage is major habitat damage to the reefs. It is also causing fish to lose their homes. Scientists are working on a way to help the reefs."
What type of text structure could this be?
Cause and Effect
What is the theme of the passage below?
Tim hated his old baseball glove. His parents told him that he could cut grass to earn money for a new glove. He wanted to play with a new glove, but he didn't want to work for it, so he decided to steal it. But when Tim got caught stealing the glove, his parents said he couldn't play baseball all summer.
If you want something, you should work for it.