It's All Relative
Central Idea
Context Clues
Sentence Patterns

“I’m not stupid,” Zero said. “I know everybody thinks I am. I just don’t like answering their questions.”

How does the author reveal details about the character?

A. He describes how Zero feels 

B. He describes Zero’s thoughts 

C. He describes what Zero’s says

D. He describes Zero’s behaviors 

C. He describes what Zero’s says


What is a central idea?

A. The most interesting idea in the text. 

B. The most important idea in the text.

C. The details in the text. 

D. The idea that the author states states directly. 

B. The most important idea in the text.


What is a context clue?

A. a piece of information that helps you understand a central idea.

B. the meaning of an unfamiliar word in a sentence. 

C. a piece of information near a word that hints at its meaning.

D. someone’s exact words in another piece of writing. 

C. a piece of information near a word that hints at its meaning.


What is a run-on-sentence? 

A. an incomplete thought. 

B. a sentence that is missing a subject or a verb. 

C. a sentence with a dependent clause. 

D. a sentence that contains more than one sentence or idea.

D. a sentence that contains more than one sentence or idea.


What is an inference? 

A. the details the author gives in a text.

B. the information you get from the text.

C. using what you already know and what the author tells you to make a prediction or draw a conclusion.

D. using the information that the author does not mention in the text to determine the central idea. 

C. using what you already know and what the author tells you to make a prediction or draw a conclusion.


“He was glad they called him caveman. It meant they accepted him as a member of the group. He would have been glad even if they’d called him Barf Bag.”

How does the author reveal details about the character?

A. He describes how Stanley feels 

B. He describes Stanley thoughts 

C. He describes what Stanley sees 

D. He describes Stanley behaviors 

B. He describes Stanley thoughts


Which is true about a central idea?

A. it is usually directly stated in the text.

B. It is supported by details in the text

C. It is not supported by pictures and headings. 

D. It is able to be stated in three or four sentences. 

B. It is supported by details in the text


How can you use a context clue to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word?

A. Identify all the unfamiliar words in the sentence.

B. Identify all the familiar words in the sentence.

C. Identify the central idea of the sentence. 

D. Look for any paraphrased information in the sentence. 

B. Identify all the familiar words in the sentence.


What is a fragment?

A. an incomplete thought. 

B. a sentence that contains two independent clauses. 

C. a sentence with a dependent clause. 

D. a sentence that contains more than one sentence or idea.

A. an incomplete thought.


What can you infer from the following sentence?

"Harry’s face turned red and he started to yell, balling his hands up into shaking fists."

A. Harry was angry

B. Harry was sad

C. Harry was happy

D. Harry was nervous

A. Harry was angry


What is a quotation? 

A. tells the most important idea of the text. 

B. the retelling of the central idea in your own words. 

C. information obtained from a secondary source.

D. the use of someone’s exact words in another piece of writing or speech.

D. the use of someone’s exact words in another piece of writing or speech


What is a supporting detail?

A.  the most important idea an author includes in a text.

B. a piece of information that helps you understand a central idea.

C.  text that teaches us about something by providing facts about a topic.

D. the most interesting idea an author includes in a text.

B. a piece of information that helps you understand a central idea.


Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word ecstatic as it used below. 

"Gabriela was ecstatic that she earned an A on her report card."

A. Sad

B. Scared

C. Happy

D. Angry

C. Happy


Which of the following is a fragment?

A. Laura was a little nervous about Monday.

B. Because she had a presentation to give. 

C. Neither of these.

D. Both of these. 

B. Because she had a presentation to give.


"Alex hurt his leg. He and his mom left school. When they arrived, they saw chairs and a table with things to read on them."

Where did Alex and his mom go?

The Doctor's office


What is a paraphrase? 

A. tells the most important idea of the text. 

B. the retelling of the central idea in your own words.

C. information obtained from a secondary source.

D. the use of someone’s exact words in another piece of writing or speech.

B. the retelling of the central idea in your own words.


How can you find the central idea in a text?

A. Look for important details in the text. 

B. analyze the details to see what they have in common. 

C. ask yourself what was the most important idea mentioned. 

D. All of the above

D. All of the above


Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word banquet as it is used below. 

"The football team had their end of the season banquet at the Italian restaurant. After everyone ate dinner, the coach said a speech and handed out trophies."

A. a big speech

B. a small meal

C. a party 

D. A meal with speeches afterward

D. A meal with speeches afterward


Which of the following is a run-on sentence? 

A. Amanda was the lead singer or her band it was a punk band. 

B. Amanda has a great voice because she often practiced and took singing lessons. 

C. The cool thing about Amandas band was that it was a punk band. 

D. Because it was a punk band, Amanda dressed like a punk rocker. 

A. Amanda was the lead singer or her band it was a punk band. 


"She stretches her legs one at a time. Then she gets up to find a shady place to nap. Perhaps she will find a mouse to hunt!"

Who is the story about?

A cat