Author's Purpose
Point of View
Main Idea/Details
Draw Conclusions/ Inferences
What is the author's purpose for writing "A President's Best Friend"?
To INFORM the reading about different president's dogs.
Who is telling the story, "Taking the Plunge"?
A Narrator
What is the main idea of the text "Dragon Tales"? Use details from the text to support your answer. -Aniyah
Two dragon's duel each other in a contest and the underdog wins.
What does THEME mean?
Theme is the lesson or moral the reader learns from the story.
Why do you think the puffin was feeling afraid? -Taina
Because she is leaving her nest to go on her own for the first time.
What are the three author's purposes for writing? Describe them.
Persuade: to convince the reader of something Inform: to share information about something Entertain: to tell a story for the reader's enjoyment
What is first person point of view?
First person point of view is when a person or character is telling the story using words like "I" "me" "my" "we" "us". The reader can hear their thoughts and feelings directly from their point of view.
What are the two parts to a main idea statement?
Read the following statement. "Balderdash should not judge Scaly by her size or because she is a girl and assume he will win the challenge." Is this the way a theme is written? Why or why not?
No. A theme must be UNIVERSAL, meaning it must apply to everyone not just the specific characters in the story.
Why was the judge rude when talking about Scaly in the story "Dragon Tales"? -Adriana
The judge was rude because he didn't think Scaly had a chance at beating Balderdash. He thought she was a loser.
Is the author's purpose in "Karate Kick" the same or different from "A President's Best Friend" and explain how you know.
The author's purpose for both texts is to inform the reader. I know this because in "A President's Best Friend" the author is sharing information about past president's dogs and in "Karate Kick" the author is sharing information about karate lessons.
From which point of view is "Karate Kick" told? Give one text details that supports your answer.
First Person. (text details may vary)
What is the main idea of "Taking the Plunge"?
A puffin is scared to leave her nest for the first time and become a seabird.
What is the theme of the story "Dragon Tales"? -Rhyianna
It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl. You can still be a winner.
In "Taking the Plunge" it states "She had heard that some puffin chicks fell on the sharp rocks at the edge of the ocean." What can you infer about the fate of those chicks?
That they likely were badly injured and would not survive.
What might the author have said in "Karate Kick" if her purpose was to persuade you?
Answers will vary.
What is third person point of view?
Third person point of view is when the text or story is told from a narrator's perspective using words like "he" "she" "they" "him". The narrator is NOT a person or character IN the story.
Which of the following is the best main idea statement for "A President's Best Friend"? a. President Coolidge had two collies. b. Some presidents had dogs. c. President's and their relationships with their dogs. d. President Truman had a dog from 1945-1953.
c. President's and their relationships with their dogs.
What is the different between theme and main idea?
Theme is a lesson learned, the main idea is what the text is all about.
What can you infer about the narrator in "Karate Kick". (Think about her character traits)
She is hardworking, determined, tough.
What is the author's purpose of television commercials and how do you know?
Persuade. Because they are usually trying to convince you to buy something.
How would the text "A President's Best Friend" be different if it was written from first person point of view?
Answers will vary.
What is the difference between a main idea and a summary?
A main idea is usually one sentence that tells what the text is all about. A summary is a short retelling of the text and includes a few details.
What is the theme of "Karate Kick"? Which sentence supports your theme? a. Don't worry, we were not not really trying to hurt each other. b. At each practice I learn kicks and punches. c. But to learn something like karate takes a lot of intense practice. d. It's a little scary sometimes when my head skims across the mat.
The theme is that you have to work hard to be successful. c. But to learn something like karate takes a lot of intense practice.
In "A President's Best Friend" Harry Truman states "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." Explain what he meant by this.
He meant that people could not be trusted but dogs could be.