Analyze the story
Figurative Language
Inferences drawn from text
Citing text evidence

What does "ominous" mean?  

What is "threatening or menacing"?


 What central idea about hope and perseverance is developed through Ella's journey in "The Magical Key"?

What is the central idea that hope and perseverance can lead to triumph over adversity and bring positive change to a community?


 In the phrase "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers," what type of figurative language repeats the same initial sound?

What is alliteration


In a story, a character is described as wearing a raincoat, carrying an umbrella, and looking up at the sky anxiously. What can you infer about the weather?

It's likely raining or about to rain.


 In "The Mystery of the Haunted House," cite textual evidence to support the explicit statement that the house is rumored to be haunted.

Excerpt: "Rumors swirled among the townsfolk about the house being haunted by the ghost of a previous owner."

  • Answer: What evidence from the text indicates that the townsfolk believe the house is haunted?

 If someone says, "She's a shining star," what literary device are they using? 

What is a "metaphor"


 How does Ella's character change and grow throughout her quest in "The Magical Key"?

 How does Ella transform from a curious explorer into a courageous hero who believes in the power of hope to overcome adversity?


 In the sentence "The bees buzzed around the flowers," what type of figurative language imitates the sound of bees?

What is onomatopoeia?


 In a story, a character is described as having messy hair, wrinkled clothes, and dark circles under their eyes. What inference can you make about the character's recent activities or state of mind?

The character may not have slept well or taken care of themselves recently.


 In "The Mystery of the Haunted House," provide textual evidence to support the inference that the kids feel scared as they explore the house.

 "Strange noises echoed through the house, sending shivers down their spines."

  • Answer: What evidence from the text suggests that the kids are experiencing fear as they explore the house?

If a book is described as a "page-turner," what does that suggest about the book's readability? 

what is an interesting book?


 Describe the setting of the story "The Magical Key" and explain how it contributes to the overall mood and atmosphere.

 What is the lush and enchanting kingdom of Elysium, which adds to the sense of mystery and magic in the story?


In the sentence "I've told you a million times to clean your room," what type of figurative language exaggerates the number of times someone has been told to clean their room?

What is hyperbole?


In a story, a character is described as carrying a heavy backpack, wearing hiking boots, and sweating profusely. What inference can you make about where the character has been or where they are going?

The character is likely hiking or participating in some outdoor activity.


In "The Mystery of the Haunted House," cite textual evidence to support the inference that Mr. Jenkins' diary reveals details about his life and death.

 "They stumbled upon an old diary hidden beneath a floorboard. The diary belonged to Mr. Jenkins and revealed the tragic story of his life and his untimely death."

  • Answer: What evidence from the text suggests that Mr. Jenkins' diary contains information about his past?

Spell the homophone of "pair" that means a fruit.

What is "pear"


 What central idea about courage and determination is portrayed through Ella's quest to unlock the secrets of Elysium?

What is the central idea that courage and determination are essential qualities needed to overcome challenges and achieve success?


 In the sentence "The stars danced in the night sky," what type of figurative language is used to give stars human-like qualities?

What is personification?


During a conversation, one character clenches their fists and avoids eye contact with another character. What might you infer about the first character's emotions?  

The character might be feeling angry or upset.


 In "The Mystery of the Haunted House," provide textual evidence to support the inference that the kids realize the truth about the haunting.

 "With newfound understanding, the kids realized that the 'haunting' was merely the echoes of Mr. Jenkins' lonely spirit longing to be remembered."

  • Answer: What evidence from the text suggests that the kids come to a realization about the true nature of the haunting?

What does the prefix "pre-" mean in the word "preview"?

what is "before"?


In the story "The Magical Key," what is the significance of the key to the kingdom of Elysium?

What is the key believed to unlock the secrets of the kingdom and bring prosperity to its people?


In the phrase "The world is a stage," what type of figurative language is used to compare the world to a stage?

What is a metaphor?


 In a story, a character is described as sitting alone at a table in a crowded café, absentmindedly stirring their coffee while staring out of the window with a distant expression. What inference can you make about the character's mood or thoughts?

The character may be feeling lonely, contemplative, or lost in thought. Their action of staring out of the window and appearing detached from their surroundings suggests a sense of introspection or melancholy.


In "The Mystery of the Haunted House," cite textual evidence to support the inference that the atmosphere of the house is eerie and unsettling.

 "As they explored the eerie rooms and creaky corridors, strange noises echoed through the house."

  • Answer: What evidence from the text suggests that the atmosphere inside the house is mysterious and unsettling?