The Lottery
A Prom Divided
Desiree's Baby
Letter from Birmingham Jail
I'm feelin' Lucky
Define setting & mood. Then give an example of both from "The Lottery."
Setting: where an event takes place Mood: the atmosphere generated from the setting June 27th, clear and sunny, summer day, flowers blossoming, grass richly green, village, three hundred people, women wore faded house dresses and sweaters
Define quotations & multimedia. Then, give an example from "A Prom Divided" of each.
Quotations: speech taken from someone other than the author Multimedia: the use of creative forms of communication (audio, videos) Examples are plenty from text.
Define all three types of irony. Give an example of each from Desiree's Baby.
Verbal, sarcasm. Example: "As white as La Blanche's" Dramatic when the reader knows something that characters don’t. Example: The scene leading up to when Desiree realizes the baby is not white. Situational, when outcomes are different than expected. Example: Armand is actually the one with mixed blood.
What is an analogy?
A comparison between two different things in order to provide an explanation or clarification
What are the two genre's that we've been examining in class with our readings?
Fiction and Non-Fiction
Tessie Hutchinson repeatedly says, "it isn't fair, it isn't right," throughout the text. What is she referring to literally? Thinking back now that you've read the entire text, how does this foreshadow the message that the author is trying to convey?
Tessie Hutchinson was literally referring to the drawing and the lottery. "It wasn't fair, it isn't right" becomes the basis of the theme of the story and foreshadows the author's message to the reader. Students should say what this message is.
In A Prom Divided, what was the author’s opinion about the prom, and what was her message about tradition?
She was critical of the people in the town and felt that the tradition was unfair and should be stopped. White kids can go to the black prom, but black kids can’t go to the white prom. Her message was that segregation has devastating impacts on the minority “don’t follow tradition blindly”
Explain the difference between direct and indirect characterization.
Direct characterization is when the author explicitly talks about the characters. Indirect characterization is when the author shows us information about the characters through words, actions and titles (epithet).
What is the theme of King's letter?
Staying silent before injustice can mean that you are just as guilty as the person who is actively unjust.
What is foreshadowing? Give an example in real life or the reading.
literary clues and hints toward an intended outcome Example: The townsfolk's reaction to Bill Hutchinson getting picked foreshadowed that the lottery was not a pleasant event.
"Chips of wood, Mr. Summers had argued, had been all very well when the village was tiny, but now that the population was more than three hundred and likely to keep growing, it was necessary to use something that would fit more easily into the black box." What deeper meaning (idea) lies in the slips of papers that used to be wood chips? You can relate this to real life examples.
The slips of paper represent the masking of old traditions (murder) into more contemporary forms (a lottery). Example: We would call The Lottery "murder." They call it "The Lottery."
What literary techniques did Sara Corbett in A Prom Divided use to convey her message?
Quotations and multimedia as well as perspectives of the kids
In Desiree’s Baby, give two examples of foreshadowing or characterization that hint towards Armand not being fully white.
His skin is darker than Desiree’s. He’s described as dark handsome face.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!! What famous figure in history does King liken himself in being an extremist?
Jesus, Lincoln, Jefferson
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!! What is symbolism? Give an example of symbolism.
the use of symbols (objects, people or things) in order to represent an idea Example: The color blue represents sadness
Describe irony in relation to Tessie Hutchinson as described in the beginning of the text up towards the end. Use evidence from the text.
Tessie was very carefree and humorous (arriving late to the lottery) in the beginning. Her attitude changes once her husband is selected. She keeps repeating that "it's unfair." Ironically, she gets chosen to be stoned.
In A Prom Divided, Sara Corbett uses quotations mostly to hear the voices and opinions of what group?
The students
In Desiree’s Baby, there is a whole paragraph describing, L’Abri. What literary technique or techniques does this description represent?
foreshadowing, setting
What are the three critiques towards white moderates that King makes?
The white moderate prefers “law and order” regardless of whether those laws are just. The white moderate does not agree with methods of nonviolent protest. The white moderate wants African Americans to “wait” until a “more convenient” time to fight for equal rights
In this class, we are often using prior knowledge or background knowledge given to us in order to make __________ (2 possible answers).
Inferences, Predictions
How does the pile of stones that makes up part of the setting in the beginning of the story change the mood at the end?
The pile of stones seemed to be an innocent game for bored children in the beginning that helped to portray the simple and playful mood of the village. At the end, the stones brought a dark mood as they were actually going to be used to murder Tessie Hutchinson.
In "The Lottery," Jackson uses shock, fear and horror to relay her message about tradition. What does Corbett use to relay a similar message in "A Prom Divided?"
The hurt feelings of real people
What is the theme of Desiree’s Baby?
Racism has devastating effects and leads to tragedy.
Who is worse in King's eyes, the KKK or white moderates? Why?
White moderates. It is worse to know that something bad is happening and do nothing about it than to actively do something bad.
In any essay or response to an essay question on an exam, we always want to draw __________ ___________ to support our opinions.
Textual Evidence