Cause and Effect
Character Motivation
Story Plot
Citing Evidence

Ms. Sarah was late for work.  What is a possible effect?

Possible Answers:

Overslept, got a flat tire, there was traffic, etc...


Keny told the teacher that someone was being mean to him.

What feelings did Keny have that motivated him to tell his teacher?

Possibel Answers:

Keny's feelings were hurt, Keny was scared


What is the most exciting part of the story called?

The climax


Heidy is the mayor of Funville.

What is the subject of this sentence?



What does it mean to cite evidence?

Citing evidence is when you look back in the story to find examples that prove your answer is correct.


Fortis Academy is closed tomorrow.  What is a possible cause?

Possible Answers:

No power, snow day, its a holiday, etc...

Jacquelyn cleaned her room from top to bottom this weekend. 

What was Jacquelyn's motivation?

Possible Answers:

She doesn't like messes, her parents told her to, she wants to show she is responsible, etc...


At what part of the story is the problem/conflict introduced?

The rising action


Esmerelda danced gracefully on the stage.

What is the adverb in this sentence?



Drake was driving along the highway.  It was dark and kind of hard to see.  Suddenly a squirrel ran out in front of him and he had to slam on the breaks. He got out to find the squirrel was ok but really scared.  Thank goodness he didn't hit it!  

What time of day is it?  How do you know?

It is night time.  

Evidence: "It was dark and kind of hard to see" 


Keiki got a 3.0 on his interim because he studied. 

What is the cause and what is the effect?

Cause: Keiki studied

Effect: He got a 3.0 on his interim


C.J. really wants to become a librarian when he grows up.  

What is C.J.'s motivation for becoming a librarian?

Possible Answers:

C.J. loves books, C.J loves kids, C.J. likes to organize, C.J. wanted to make money


In what part of the story is the problem solved?

The falling action


Correct the following sentence.

mery are going to the store after school

Mery is going to the store after school.  


Trent was walking through the forest with his father. They stumbled upon a hole in the ground. Trent quickly started asking questions about the hole. “Why is this here?” Trent asked. “Who dug this? Was it an animal?” Trent's father explained that an animal had dug the hole as a den to sleep in. Without even asking if he should, Trent knelt on the leaves and peered inside the hole.

What is the best way to describe Trent? Cite evidence.


Trent is curious.  

Evidence: Trent wanted to see what was inside the hole.


Ms. R is the best teacher! She even got the ruler of the world award! 

What is the cause and what is the effect?

Cause: Ms. R is the best teacher

Effect: She got the ruler of the world award


What is character motivation?

Character motivation is WHY a character does something.  


What is the resolution of the story plot?

The end of the story.


The puffy clouds filled the sky.

What is the adjective in this sentence?



Lemark stood back from his painting and smiled. He liked it. He had painted a sailboat with a bright yellow sail. Lemark wanted to paint some more. He picked up a rock that he had on his desk. He put some green paint on the rock. The green reminded Lemark of frogs, so Lemark started to paint a small face, some long legs, and around little frog body.

How would you desribe Lemark?  Cite evidence.


Lemark is creative.

Evidence: Lemark likes painting.


What does cause mean?  What does effect mean?

Cause is the reason WHY something happens

Effect is WHAT happened


What is a character's motivation based on?  (Where does it come from?)

Character motivations is based on a characters thoughts, feelings, and actions.  


What do we find out during the exposition of the story? (2 answers) 

The characters and setting


Jacob really needs to study for his test, but he would rather play video games. 

What type of sentence is this?

A compound sentence


Charisma has a bookshelf in her house.  Her bookshelf holds over 100 books.  It also has pictures of her family, a few plants, and some rocks she found on her last vacation.  

What inference can you make about what Charisma's bookshelf looks like? Evidence?


Charisma's bookshelf is big!  

Evidence: In the story it says she had over 100 books, pictures, plants and rocks on her bookshelf.