This text describes the characteristics of something.




In the movie Tangled, Rapunzel suddenly realizes that she is the lost princess and her mother is not who she thought she was.

AHA Moment


The tow truck took the car into the mechanic's garage. The owner of the car followed. The mechanic used his equipment to lift the car. "What do you think happened to the tire?" the man asked. In response, the mechanic held up a nail. "Oh," the man said. "I see." How did the tire go flat?

The tire went flat because the man had driven over a nail.


Which of the following best represents a theme for the story "Fish Cheeks"?

A. Accept others for what they are

B. You only find true love once

C. Be proud of who you are

D. You cannot be responsible for the actions of others

C. Be proud of who you are
What point of view is the story "Fish Cheeks" being told from?

A. First Person

B. Second Person

C. Third Person

D. My point of view

A. First Person


This text describes events in chronological order




In the short story "Fish Cheeks," Amy's mother says, "You must be proud you are different. Your only shame is to have shame.”

Words of the Wiser


I can swim in the water Or jump in the air, No one can catch me, No one would dare I hop with webbed feet, To my very own beat, I eat flies from the sky, Whem my tongue swings up high, Who Am I?

A frog


What is the central idea of the text "Fish Cheeks"?

A. A girl who is in love with the minister's son but cannot date him

B.A girl who is embarrassed to have guests over for dinner due to her cultural differences

C.A girl who feels left out because she is Chinese

D. A girl who moved to the United States from China

B.A girl who is embarrassed to have guests over for dinner due to her cultural differences


How is Amy's point of view being developed in this quote: "When I found out that my parents had invited the minister's family over for Christmas Eve Dinner, I cried."

A. Actions

B. Feelings

C. Sayings (Dialogue)

D. Thoughts

B. Feelings


This text discusses similarities and differences between two or more things.

Compare and Contrast



In the story Tuesday of the Other June, June wants to stand up to her bully, but she remembers what her mother told her and chooses not to.

Memory Moment


Josh woke up early on Sunday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad called to him and said, "It is a perfect day, don't forget to bring a towel!" Where were Josh and his dad going?

The beach


Which statement best expresses the theme of the short story "Tuesday of the Other June"?

A. Sometimes people don't realize that they are a being a bully to others

B. It's important to stand up for yourself against people who mistreat you

C. It's better to ignore a bully than to confront them in any way

D. Don't let fear keep you from doing the things that you love

B. It's important to stand up for yourself against people who mistreat you


"We were at an impasse." What does impasse mean?

A. Deadlock, no progress can be made

B. Passerby

C. Weak moment

D. Distraction

A. Deadlock, no progress can be made


This text explains events and the results of these events.

Cause and Effect


Events, images, or particular words that recur throughout a text or an essential portion of it

Again & Again


"Fire!", I yelled. "There's a fire in the bathroom" I screamed. After a moment I thought to myself, Why wasn't anyone answering me? or coming out of there class rooms?. So I yelled again "Fire,Fire!". Still no answer. I decided to get help but when I tried to run it felt like I was going so slow. The doors to all the classrooms where moving further away. All of a sudden I heard an alarm going off. Infer what the person is doing



What is the theme of the short story "Eleven"

A. Birthdays come every year

B. Never think teachers don't understand

C. Never trust their classmates, they may lie

D. No matter how old we get, there are still times when we feel like a child

D. No matter how old we get, there are still times when we feel like a child


Which statement reveals that "Dirk the Protector" is told from the first person point of view?

A."There weren't many boys willing to do the work but with so few alleys, it was still very hard to earn much money."

B. "Because I was from 'the wrong side of the tracks' I didn't think I could go to the authorities."

C. "The bowling alley was on the second floor and had windows in the back of the pit area."

B. "Because I was from 'the wrong side of the tracks' I didn't think I could go to the authorities."


This text describes a problem and how the problem is solved.

Problem and Solution

Sharp differences between what we expect characters to do, and what they actually do

Contrasts & Contradictions


The shelves were piled high with boxes of every size and shape. Each group had a different picture and different bright colors. There were so many people - men and women, mothers with little children, teenagers putting more boxes on the shelves. Some of the people were talking together as they chose the boxes and cans that they wanted. Jeff was having a hard time remembering which one to buy. He knew that Tooli wouldn't be happy if he brought home the wrong brand! Where was Jeff?

The grocery store

Which of the following states the theme of the text "Dirk the Protector"

A. People can depend on animals more than humans

B. Parents with problems neglect their children

C. Bullying has caused a lot of people to have hard lives

D. Having a friend can give you the courage to survive

D. Having a friend can give you the courage to survive


"Gary is a streetwise boy working late at night at the bowling alley to provide for himself because he had a tough home life." This is an example of...

A. Falling Actions

B. Climax

C. Exposition

D. Resolution

C. Exposition